ASBAR (Application State Backup and Restoration Across Multiple Devices) allows user to restore state of linux based system applications and web application as well as allows user to resume program execution of it crashes at any point of time.
ASBAR restores the application state by first creating backup of state informaion and storing it on Amazon Cloud platform and then using the stored backup to restore state.
CRIU software tool is used to restore state of system application and for web application restoration it uses Selenium (software tool) WebDrivers name geckodriver for Firefox and chromedriver for Chrome Browser.
The uploaded version does not use Cloud storage but stores state information on local machine itself using MySql(because the cloud version requires libraries of size more than 300mb), but the code related to cloud is available in the source files, but is commented.
System applications restored: These mainly include command line editors namely nano, vim and pico editors.
Web applications restored: Web application restoration includes the data fields which can be restored e.g; Gmail and Facebook signup forms
Resumption of Program execution: It includes resumption of program execution written in Java, C , C++ and Python programming language.
- Linux (Ubuntu)
Note : Use 'root' as default username and type 'mysql8888' as password during installation as these are hardcoded in sourcecode.
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
After running the commands above, you should see a prompt to accept the PPA key onto Ubuntu… accept and continue
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer
When you run the commands above you’ll be prompted to access the license terms of the software… accept and continue..
$ sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
$ sudo apt-get install criu
$ wget -c $ chmod +x $ sudo ./
$ git clone
- As the project uses MySQL for managing database you need to create database named as 'asbar_db' and table named 'login' (because these are hardcoded in sourcecode).
$ sudo mysql -u root -p mysql> create database asbar_db; mysql> use asbar_db mysql> create table login(email_id varchar(255), password varchar(255));
- Now add a user by passing values to email_id and password field (You can do it from ASBAR also but why waste time on unimportant stuff :p ).
$ insert into login values('username','password');
- Now you are all set with MySql.
- Open downloaded project folder through Netbeans 7.4 IDE
- Execute file from src folder
- Pass already created username and password values (ones which we inserted into login table from asbar_db database).