In this part, we constructed HTTP requests using the Postman tool according to the provided specifications. The requests were header-complete, and if required URL and/or payload complete. Requests were captured using Postman collection.
Implemented a collection of Javascript functions and manipulated Javascript objects to implement a Golf tournament scoreboard.
Contains two files :
- postman_collection.json containing all the 7 Postman requests
- A word file containing the screen captures of the request headers and response for the queries.
Contains three files :
- task2.js : containing all the Javascript functions
- task2test.js : containing the testcases written to independently test each Javascript function implemented in task2.js.
input jsons used to verify the edge cases are stored in object variables t1,t2,t3,t4,t5.
- Results.txt : containing the execution results of task2test.js