Use the family version of Shuzhou Mirrors at family.centre,,, etc.
All of the useful app mirrors come in Shuzhou Mirrors, either payed or open-sourced.
You can copy a Shuzhou Mirror app from our command-line tool which is avaliable for download on this page, like this:
$ mirror get [Shuzhou Mirror ID]
You can copy this snippet of code below:
function getDownloadLink(){
var downloadId=document.getElementById("downloadId").value;
if (downloadId == "true"){
alert ("Downloading Link...");
return true;
alert ("Shuzhou Mirrors CheckSum is incorrect. Please try again later.");
return false;
And then copy this HTML code:
<script src="shuzhou://js/.js/getLink.js"></script>
<a href = "SMirror://[Shuzhou Mirror ID]" onclick = "return getDownloadLink()"><img src=""/></a>