ShuLab is a project that helps researchers on science - mostly biology. ShuLab is a free and opensource project fit for education. Other uses, including selling or using it else than personally or educationally is prohibited.
You can use git as below:
$ git clone
Or you can use SSH to get ShuLab(not recommended):
Or you can also download it by clicking this link here or copy the address below:
You can go to releases (click here to go) or copy the link below:
People studying science must know that there is a website called PubMed and this PubMed site is useful to people.
When you are wishing to get a PubMed ID article, enter the code:
$ pubmed get <PubMed-ID> <SaveToPath>
$ Examples
$ pubmed get 1973722 C:/Shuzhou/ShuLab/1973722.pdf
When you are wishing to get an article by DOI, enter the code:
$ doi get <DOI> <SaveToPath>
$ Examples
$ doi get 10.1038/541133b C:/Shuzhou/ShuLab/NatureCommunications/10.1038@541133b.pdf