Lightsout is simple game that consists of n by n grid. Each cell in the game is either on or off. The cells of this game has a peculiar behaviour i.e., when a cell/button is pressed all its adjacent(not diagonally) cells toggles their state. The cells which are on will become off and vice versa.
The goal of this game is to turn off all the lights in the game.
The given problem can be mathematically modelled and solved by using linear algebra.
The idea is to represent n by n grid as n by n matrix with 0s and 1s. 0 represents off and 1 represents on.
Now we need to model the pressing of buttons.
Now we can see that a button press can be modelled as adding a toggle matrix to the current state of the game matrix and taking it modulo 2.
Now what is toggle matrix??
Toggle matrix is just a matrix with 0s and 1s. But the placement of 1s are special here. This toggle matrix contains 1 where the effect of button press is felt.
For example.
For this button press at (1,1).
And for this button(1,2).
Now that we have modelled everything we need.We can model clicking a sequence of buttons as adding a set of toggle matrices so that.
G + T(i1, j1)+T(i2, j3)+. . . . .+T(ik, jk) = 0 (modulo 2)
Here G is inital configuration of the game. T(i,j) is the toggle matrix.
We can extend this idea is to assign a coefficient a(i, j) for each toggle matrix T(i, j).
The coefficient is either 0 or 1. 0 means that button is not clicked and if the coefficient is 1 then the button is clicked.
So now we have to find those coefficients so that the from the toggle matrix we get the buttons we have to click in order to solve the game.
The above slide can be summarized into mathematical formula.
If we assume that everything here is drawn from GF(2), then we can drop the modulo 2
we can add -G on both sides of the equation to get.
In GF(2) -x can be replaced by x.
Right now, G and T(i, j) are matrices. we can convert them into column vectors in row-major order.
Let's define the matrix V to be the matrix whose columns are the T(i, j) .
Let a be the column vector whose elements are a(i,j) in that same order.
therefore the formula can be rewritten as
V a = G
Now the goal is clear we need to solve this system of linear equations, each of whose values are drawn from GF(2). And 'a' contains the solution.
Now we can employ any technique to solve this.
We can invert the V and multiply the it with G. This will give us the solution but we can't solve the system if the matrix V is non invertable.
Else we can use Gauss-elimination to convert the V into identity matrix so that the G contains the solution.
The folder "Lightsout" contains all the necessary code files.
In that folder run file named run_this.m this takes the matrix as input. And prints the solution in matrix form which tells us which buttons to be pressed.
- Not all states have a solution except for 3 by 3.
- If solution exists this code gives a solution that contains at most n^2 button presses.