- 2019920037 컴퓨터과학부 이성호
Experimental Tasks
- Implement AND, OR, and XOR gates
- Use donut shaped data (next slide)
Let the number of layers and the number of nodes per layer be variables.
Implement the calculation of one layer as a function.
Save the weight to a file in a matrix format
Show the learning process (X1, X2 two-dimensional straight line graphs).
- Plot straight lines of a few nodes.
- In this repository, it shows the learning process using contour plot (instead of straight line graph).
Show error graph as a function of iteration
To run this code, you need to install the following packages: numpy
, matplotlib
. You can install them using pip
with requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
How to run the code:
$ python main.py
Usage: python main.py [dataset] [hidden nodes] [activation] [learning rate] [epochs] [check epoch]
Example: python main.py donut 4 sigmoid 0.1 10000 2000
Available activation functions: sigmoid, relu, step
Available dataset: donut, and, or, xor
This program learns the given data using two-layer perceptron.
python main.py donut 4 sigmoid 0.4 10000 2000
python main.py xor 4 sigmoid 0.4 10000 2000