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Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Guild

#####A guild's website for

Sons of Anarchy


SOA is a web application written in the Laravel framework.

Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.


The idea is to design a website for our guild members to login and extend the game experience by been able to chat to other guild members, exchange ideas by means of forums and live chats.

One of the main problem with World of Warcraft in-game functionalities is the lack of manageability of events and keeping notes about players requests. This website extends the features by improving the use of calendar events and notifications pushed to players.

Although our goal is to improve the game experience and facilitate event handling, so to speak ☺, We are going to expand this idea to offer multiple portals so as to host many websites specifically for guilds.

The end result is a front end hosting multiple portals to generate income.


Top Navigation:

Home Members Activity Feed Events News Live Chat

As you ccan see above, General access to website is only for Home and news. All other access requires login authentication.

Programming details

Sever Type: Linux running Ubuntu version: 14.04 LTS
Language: PHP  
Serve software: GNIX  
PHP Framework: Laravel 5.0  
Other Dev Software IDE PHPStorm version 8
  Gulp, SaSS, git, bower,


Thank you for considering contributing to the Sons of Anarchy webiste development and design.


2015 © Copyright SIADEV, division of SIACOM - Web developers and Network Engineers.