Turns off all rules that conflicts with typescript-eslint
npm i -D eslint-config-ts-compat
# or
yarn add --dev eslint-config-ts-compat
import pegasus from 'eslint-config-pegasus';
import tscompat from 'eslint-config-ts-compat';
export default tseslint.config(
pegasus, // or your config
- brace-style
- camelcase
- comma-spacing
- default-param-last
- dot-notation
- func-call-spacing
- indent
- init-declarations
- keyword-spacing
- lines-between-class-members
- no-array-constructor
- no-dupe-class-members
- no-empty-function
- no-extra-parens
- no-extra-semi
- no-implied-eval
- no-invalid-this
- no-loss-of-precision
- no-magic-numbers
- no-return-await
- no-throw-literal
- no-undef
- no-unused-expressions
- no-unused-vars
- no-use-before-define
- no-useless-constructor
- quotes
- require-await
- semi
- space-before-function-paren