Exercise of microservices.
The exercise was developed following baeldungs spring cloud stutorial series at http://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-tutorial and covers the next tutorials:
Bootstrapping the Spring Cloud Application Here, we’re building a base we can use for building more complex applications.
Spring Cloud Configuration A quick intro to using a git repository as a storage for our project configuration.
Securing Spring Cloud Services We now have a cloud application with security around our services. Using Zuul and Spring Session we can log users in only one service and propagate that authentication to our entire application.
Tracing Services with Zipkin Zipkin can provide us with much-needed information on where requests are spending their time. This can help us determine where things are slowing down and indicate what areas of our application need improvement.
Spring Cloud – Adding Angular See how easy it’s to integrate a single page app into the system.