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enso {.row .center-xs}

The Ensō — PHP8 µ-framework {.row .center-xs}

The main goal is to get some template for making fast and tiny REST or Asynchronous services on PHP8+, using parts of Yii3 and other PSR-compatible components:

  • complete set of environments configured with docker-compose
  • optionally runs inside single immutable docker containers
  • with both of Swoole / RoadRunner for multi-threading long-living processes
  • using strict PSR-compatible components (as widely as possible)
  • with Redis / RabbitMQ for queues and sessions
  • with WebSockets for web / mobile clients
  • puts application level logs, sessions and uploaded files into network / cloud storages only
  • collects system level logs through Filebeat to ELK
  • LetsEncrypt SSL auto refreshing
  • CLI project generator


On application layer project runs with:

  • PHP8+
  • Mixed runtime CLI / WEB / Daemon (Swoole ✓ | RoadRunner ✓)
  • Mysql ✓ / Postgresql for state storage
  • Redis ✓
  • WebSockets support
  • Xdebug 3 ✓

Framework's code use:

  • Yiisoft components:
    • Config
    • PSR-11 DI Container ✓
    • PSR-3 Logger
    • PSR-6 Cache
    • DB Layer / ActiveRecord ✓
  • Other components for HTTP:
    • PSR-7/17 Messages / Factories (Httpsoft)
    • PSR-15 Middlewares (custom)
    • PSR-18 Client (Guzzle)
  • Also:
    • Codeception Unit / REST / E2E testing and coverage
    • autogenerated OpenApi specification with SwaggerUI ✓
    • autogenerated PhpDoc sources documentation

Setting up

  • Edit .env or add enso.localhost to system hosts
  • Run docker-compose up -d --build

Wait for such result for docker-compose ps:

  Name                 Command               State                                                  Ports                                                
enso_db_1 mysqld      Up>3306/tcp,:::3306->3306/tcp                                                            
nginx       nginx -g daemon off;             Up>80/tcp,:::80->80/tcp,>81/tcp,:::81->81/tcp,>82/tcp,:::82->82/tcp
open-api    / sh / ...   Up      80/tcp,>8080/tcp,:::8080->8080/tcp                                                    
php         docker-php-entrypoint bash ...   Up      9000/tcp,>9666/tcp,:::8282->9666/tcp                                                  
php-sw      / bash -c com ...   Up      9999/tcp                                                                                            
redis redis ...   Up      6379/tcp                                                                                            

Endpoints enabled by default:

Initially we have three kind of HTTP JSON API services with different environment, images, lifecycles, HTTP servers. Hovewer all of them executing the same application and actions code:

  • Default Nginx + FPM access
    • http://enso.localhost/(index|open-api)
  • Swoole HTTP Server
    • http://enso.localhost:81/(index|open-api)
  • RoadRunner HTTP Server
    • http://enso.localhost:82/(index|open-api)

And a CLI support

Which executes the same application, routing and actions (by default).

For example:

  • docker-compose exec php ./enso default/open-api will print out current specs to stdout stream
  • docker-compose exec php ./enso default/open-api > ./open-api.json will save it to local file on host FS

Development features:

  • Swagger UI
    • http://enso.localhost:8080/
  • Codeception coverage and test report:
    • http://enso.localhost:(80|81|82)/_status/report.html
    • http://enso.localhost:(80|81|82)/_status/coverage/
  • PhpDoc documentation:
    • http://enso.localhost:(80|81|82)/docs

Run tests

  • docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/codecept build

  • docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/codecept run

  • docker-compose exec php-sw vendor/bin/codecept run

Api Tests (8) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
✔ ApiCest: Try api default route (0.18s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default index (0.15s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default view (0.13s)
✔ ApiCest: Try bad route (0.13s)
✔ EnsoTest: Class can be created (0.05s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default route (0.23s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default view (0.21s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli bad route (0.20s)

Api-sw Tests (8) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
✔ ApiCest: Try api default route (0.02s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default index (0.02s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default view (0.02s)
✔ ApiCest: Try bad route (0.02s)
✔ EnsoTest: Class can be created (0.01s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default route (0.21s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default view (0.19s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli bad route (0.20s)

Api-rr Tests (8) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
✔ ApiCest: Try api default route (0.08s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default index (0.09s)
✔ ApiCest: Try default view (0.02s)
✔ ApiCest: Try bad route (0.03s)
✔ EnsoTest: Class can be created (0.01s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default route (0.22s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli default view (0.20s)
✔ EnsoTest: Cli bad route (0.20s)

Make coverage

  • docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage-html

Generate PhpDocs

  • docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src phpdoc/phpdoc -d /src/enso-psr -i vendor -t /src/enso-psr/docs/phpdoc


  • ./

Step-by-step XDebug 3

  • Set up Docker as an IDE Key and port 9005 to listen to
  • Run as "Local Web Server" on http://hostname/ (only for 80 port via FPM).