This is the repository for the code associated with my final report for the Statistical Learning (STAT3006) course in the University of Queensland.
The final written report itself can be found in this repository.
STAT3006_7305_assignment4_2023.pdf: Assignment description and requirements
Aaroe2010_Gene_expression_profiling_blood_detection_breast_cancer.pdf: Primary reference study for the report
data: Datasets provided by the course, sourced from Aaroe et al. (2010)
A4.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook used to analyse the data for the report
figures: Figures generated for the report
supplementary: Text-based data generated for the report. Includes things like model coefficients and feature rankings and such.
requirements.txt: List of python dependencies
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter-notebook . # alternatively, use vscode or your preferred text editor that supports ipynb