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Configure KMFL under Balsa Jaunty SCIM version

marksvc edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Note: This page contains old documentation from 2010, but may still be helpful.

Table of Contents


This page tells you what you need to do to use KMFL on a Balsa Jaunty prototype.

To use KMFL on a Balsa Lucid prototype see KMFL with iBus

KMFL (Keyboard Mapping For Linux) lets you to redefine the keyboard to type special characters. It basically does for Linux what Tavultesoft Keyman does for Windows. With the Ubuntu jaunty distribution, KMFL uses SCIM.

These instructions below tell you how to prepare the SCIM input method so that you can use your KMFL keyboard. They also tell you how to install a KMFL keyboard.

These instructions assume that you already have a KMFL/Keyman keyboard source file. A compiled Keyman file for Windows (.kmx or .kmp) will not work. You will need the source file (.kmn). If you need to build your own, a KMFL programmers guide is available here. The Keyman Developer Programmer's Guide may also be useful.

A sample keyboard, the Balsa Sample keyboard comes included with Balsa. It is described below.

Activating SCIM Input

Before you can use KMFL, you must activate the SCIM input method. The best way to do that is to set the Language Support so that input method engines check box is set. In the Advisor account, access the Language Support from the Applications menu - Settings | Language Support. In the Balsa User account, there's an icon under the Settings tab.


You need to do this in each account in which you want to use KMFL.

Log out of the account and log back in for the change to take effect.

If you want to disable the Language Support icon for the Balsa User after you've set up KMFL, use the Edit Tabbed Desktop icon on the Advisor's Desktop.

When you log back in, you can see the SCIM activation icon (1), a small icon of a keyboard on the bottom right of the screen:


Installing a KMFL Keyboard

Before you install a KMFL keyboard, you will need the keyboard source file and the icon file that it uses -- check the line in the .kmn file with store(&BITMAP). Those two files should be in the same directory. A bug in the current version of KMFL requires that there be no spaces in the name of the icon file.

  1. Choose the SCIM Input Method In the Balsa User account, it is an icon under the Settings tab. In the Advisor account, access it from the from the Applications menu - Settings | SCIM Input Menu. The SCIM Setup Menu will appear. Choose the KMFL Menu Item on the left (blue arrow) and click Install on the right (red arrow).
  2. An Open File Dialog box will appear as below. Navigate to the folder with the .kmn file and select it. The current folder appears on the right. On the left is a list of other folders (blue arrow). To move up the folder hierarchy from the current directory, click on the wedge (red arrow). When you have the right directory, select the .kmn file and click the Open button.
  3. Close the SCIM Setup Dialog box.
  4. Log out of the account. The next time you open a program that uses the keyboard, your KMFL icon will replace the keyboard icon, and your keyboard will be active.

Activating and De-activating the KMFL keyboard

You have to run a program that uses the KMFL keyboard to activate or de-activate the KMFL keyboard. By clicking on the icon at the bottom of the screen or the SCIM toolbar (if it's turned on), you can change between your KMFL keyboard and the standard English keyboard. The picture below shows using the Balsa Sample keyboard with a simple text editor.


The Included Keyboards

Balsa comes with a sample KMFL keyboard, Balsa Sample. It uses the file Balsa_Sample.kmn for the keyboard source file and that file looks for the icon Balsa_Sample.png. These files are in the /home/advisor/BalsaExamples/kmfl folder.

It assigns the keys ] } [{] produces ].

Various other SCIM keyboards are included with Balsa, but are de-activated. You can activate them with the SCIM setup, in the IMEngine Global Setup menu item.

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