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POSIX Error Handling

marksvc edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 3 revisions
 #include <string.h>
 // Do something that might set errno
 // Immediately preserve errno so we don't change it before examining it
 int errorNumber = errno;
 if (evidence of error) // eg something() may return non-zero or NULL on error
   const int bufLength = 1024;
   char errorMessage[bufLength];
   char *actualErrorMessage = strerror_r(errorNumber, errorMessage, bufLength);
   // actualErrorMessage may or may not be pointing to errorMessage 
   // (so work with actualErrorMessage not errorMessage)
   // Deal with any errors that can be dealt with in a specific way, eg...
   if (ENOENT == errorNumber) {
   else if (EROFS == errorNumber) {
   else // Handler for any errors that don't have special handling
       "libname: Warning: error doing thus-and-such: %s\n",
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