A distributed and device-cloud-orchestrated real-time object detection framework based on ROS2
~2022/03/06: 完成系统demo,修复已有系统bug,除了最后的显示窗口,系统框架能完整运行
~2022/03/10: 系统能够完整运行,同时修改系统框架设计,新增network模块
~2022/04/05: 完成networker模块仿真设计,修改其它模块
~2022/04/08: 完善用户接口,完善性能信息,添加测试用例和ground truth
~2022/04/12: 新增sanic server,同时添加websocket通信方式,调整了相关模块代码
~2022/04/20: 添加自适应的检测和跟踪任务调度,添加性能监视模块,修改其它模块
~2022/04/25: 添加仿真server,修正tracker的跟踪方式(使用上一次的track result进行跟踪,或收到检测结果后在cache上跳帧跟踪到最新帧),修改其它模块
~2022/04/30: 添加glimpse版本的scheduler和detector,修正其它模块的一些错误
~2022/05/14: 完成答辩,提交最终版本
- OS:Ubuntu20.04(不推荐使用虚拟机) / Win10(还没测试过)
- ROS2:Galactic/Foxy
- Python:3.8+
- OpenCV:4.5+
- CVbridge:2.2+
- Readerwriterlock: 1.0.9+
- Sanic: 22.3.0+
- Websockets: 10.2+(for sanic)
- Websocket-client: 1.3.2+(for client node)
mkdir -p ~/your_ros2_workspace/src
从上述项目中将各目录文件加载到工作空间下,此时,工作空间目录结构应如下(ground_truth、ideos、network可以放置在其它的地方,只需在启动相应的client node时指明相应路径即可):
├── build (build后生成)
├── install (build后生成)
├── log (build后生成)
├── ground_truth
│ ├── xxx
│ │ ├── 1.txt
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── videos
│ ├── xxx.mp4
│ └── ...
├── network
│ ├── xxx.txt
│ └── ...
├── src
│ ├── basic_pipeline
│ │ ├── basic_pipeline
│ │ │ ├── camera.py
│ │ │ ├── collector.py
│ │ │ ├── detector.py
│ │ │ ├── detector_glimpse.py
│ │ │ ├── displayer.py
│ │ │ ├── monitor.py
│ │ │ ├── networker.py (使用websocket通信方式的networker)
│ │ │ ├── networker_ros2.py (使用ros2 topic通信方式的networker)
│ │ │ ├── scheduler.py
│ │ │ ├── scheduler_glimpse.py
│ │ │ ├── server_ros2.py (构建在ros2 node之上的server)
│ │ │ ├── tracker.py
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ └── bspipeline_interfaces
│ ├── msg
│ │ ├── xxx.msg
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── server.py (构建在Sanic之上的server)
├── simulate_server.py (构建在Sanic之上的仿真server)
├── vision_opencv (注意参考前面cv_bridge的链接,安装相关依赖并且build完毕)
│ ├── cv_bridge
│ ├── image_geometry
│ ├── opencv_tests
│ ├── README.md
│ └── vision_opencv
└── yolov4
├── cfg
├── data
├── __init__.py
├── tool
└── weight (从前面yolov4的链接可以下载权重放到这里)
cd ~/your_ros2_workspace
colcon build
// 刷新ros2环境,以使用ros2相关命令,setup.bash的位置根据你安装ros2的方式(二进制包或源代码)会有所不同
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash // 二进制包方式
. ~/ros2_galactic/ros2-linux/setup.bash // 源代码方式
// 刷新本地环境,否则会找不到我们自己构建的包
. ~/your_ros2_workspace/install/local_setup.bash
如果按以上树形目录结构部署项目,那么建议客户端结点都运行在 ~/your_ros2_workspace 路径下
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline camera [client_name] [frame_rate] [video_path]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline camera client1 10 ./videos/xxx.mp4
# Arguments:
# (Arguments can be skipped if the default value would like to be used, but others must be specified in the order mentioned above.)
# (Argument types: optional or necessary)
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# frame_rate: optional, value: the frame rate of capturing, if not set, 10 will be default.
# video_path: necessary, value: a specific video file path or 0 (aka the default webcam of the computer).
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline scheduler [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline scheduler client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline scheduler [client_name] [pixel_diff] [pixel_count_rate]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline scheduler client1 25 0.1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# pixel_diff: necessary, value: the threshold of the abs value difference of two pixels, this should be an int between 0 and 255
# pixel_count_rate: necessary, value: the threshold of the 'different' pixels' rate, this should be a float between 0 and 1
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline detector [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline detector client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline detector_glimpse [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline detector_glimpse client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline networker [client_name] [bandwidth_file_path]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline networker client1 ./network/xxx.txt
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# bandwidth_file_path: necessary, value: a specific bandwidth file path or 0 (not simulating network delay).
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline networker_ros2 [client_name] [bandwidth_file_path]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline networker_ros2 client1 ./network/xxx.txt
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# bandwidth_file_path: necessary, value: a specific bandwidth file path or 0 (not simulating network delay).
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline tracker [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline tracker client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline collector [client_name] [ground_truth_directory]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline collector client1 ./ground_truth/xxx/
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# ground_truth_directory: necessary, value: directory of ground truth files or 0 (do not have ground truth or not calculating the performance).
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline displayer [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline displayer client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline monitor [client_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline monitor client1
# Arguments:
# client_name: optional, value: the client name, if not set, 'anonymous_client' will be default.
同样建议服务器结点都运行在 ~/your_ros2_workspace 路径下
# Command:
sanic server.app --port=12345 --workers=1 --no-access-logs
or more simply:
python3 server.py
# Note:
# Currently it only supports worker=1, it means that the server use one main process to handle the requests.
# The port can be modified, change it in both network and server.
# Command:
sanic simulate_server.app --port=12345 --workers=1 --no-access-logs
or more simply:
python3 simulate_server.py
# Note:
# Currently it only supports worker=1, it means that the server use one main process to handle the requests.
# The port can be modified, change it in both network and server.
# Command:
ros2 run basic_pipeline server_ros2 [server_name]
# Example:
ros2 run basic_pipeline server server1
# Arguments:
# server_name: optional, value: the server name, if not set, 'anony_server' will be default.
- 传输用于检测的图片时,对图片进行压缩
- 新增networker,完成对实际网络吞吐量的仿真
- collector对结果进行得分评估,包含准确率(IOU)、召回率、F1-Score三个指标
- scheduler根据网络延迟和跟踪延迟评估,调整检测和跟踪间隔
- networker和server之间的通信方式从ros2 topic方式替换成websocket,server将不再运行在ros2结点上
- 在多样网络环境下进行测试,获取更多测试结果
- 提高sanic server的性能
- 完成tcp socket通信方式下client与server之间的发现机制,为分布式框架多对多框架提供基础
- client之间的结点通过共享内存方式减少传递帧的开销
- 在系统能够正常运行同时提高camera帧率
- 用roscpp重构客户端部分以提高性能