Sorting Amazon reviews by using the wilson lower bound score method
What is Wilson Lower Bound Score? Wilson lower bound method provides an accurate way to sort a product based on positive and negative ratings. It can estimate, with 95% confidence, a product’s popularity across the whole community based on its historical positive and negative votes.
Business Problem: Calculate product ratings and product reviews more accurately on Amazon. The dataset named Amazon product data includes a product with the most reviews in the electronics category. The product has user ratings and reviews.
- reviewerID — ID of the reviewer, e.g. A2SUAM1J3GNN3B
- asin — ID of the product, e.g. 0000013714
- reviewerName — Name of the reviewer
- helpful — Helpfulness rating of the review, e.g. 2/3
- reviewText — Text of the review
- overall — Rating of the product
- summary — Summary of the review
- unixReviewTime — Time of the review (unix time)
- reviewTime — Time of the review (raw)
- day_diff — Number of days since the evaluation
- helpful_yes — Number of times the review was found helpful
- total_vote — Number of votes given to the review