This is a clone of the Namava website, which allows users to watch movies and TV series in Iran.
This clone is built using React, Context API, Styled Components, and react-lazyload.
It includes a main page with all the categories, new movies and series, a search page, a page for each series and movie, and a page for each director and other people involved in it.
Here you can check Namava online: Demo
The Namava clone includes the following sections:
The home page displays all the available categories, new movies, and TV series. Users can click on any category to see the list of movies and series available in that category. They can also click on any movie or TV series to go to its page and watch it.
The search page allows users to search for movies and TV series by title, director, or actor name. The results are displayed in a list format, and users can click on any result to go to its page and watch it.
Each series and movie has its own page with details such as the title, director, actors, release date, and a brief description. Users can watch the movie or series from this page.
Each director and person involved in a movie or TV series has their own page with details such as their name, photo, and a brief biography. Users can see the movies and TV series they have worked on and click on any of them to go to its page and watch it.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Namava-clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start