This gem provides WebToPay ( Ruby API implementation with some useful Rails helpers
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'webtopay', git: ''
bundle install
Create initializer config/initializers/webtopay.rb
WebToPay.configure do |config|
config.project_id = 00000
config.sign_password = 'your sign password'
Protect accepturl, cancelurl, callbackurl actions in controllers:
include WebToPay::ControllerHelper
webtopay :accept, :cancel, :callback
def accept
# write here code which do some stuff
# use instance variable "webtopay_data" to access data from
render text: "Your payment #{webtopay_data[:orderid]} has been successfully received. Thank you!"
def callback
# write here code which do some stuff
render text: "OK"
You can also use helper method to generate required form for MACRO payments in templates: app/helpers/application_helper.rb:
include WebToPay::Helper
Any template (please note that the form doesn't contain any submit button, it needs to be submitted with JS)
<%= webtopay_macro_form test: 1, orderid: 123, amount: 2000, payment: 'vb', country: 'lt', paytext: "Billing for XX at the website XXX" %>
=========== Copyright (c) 2013 Kristijonas Urbaitis, released under the MIT license