To build the PDF and HTML specifications, in the root directory type:
The specification is compiled into build/en
To build just the PDF, type:
ant pdf
The PDF specification is compiled then copied into the root directory.
Directory structure:
- the docbook source of the language specificationsupport
- the docbook build
To run the type analyzer tests, in the root directory type:
ant test
To (re)generate the parser and and syntax tree, type:
ant clean tree
Directory structure:
- the ANTLR grammar for the languageCeylon.nodes
- the specification of the syntax treesrc/
- the Java implementation of the type analyzerlanguagesrc/
- the Ceylon implementation of the language moduletest
- the tests for the type analyzer, written in Ceylon, with a special@assertion
syntax extensionlib/
- required dependencies for building and running the teststreegen/
- the ANTLR grammars that generate the syntax treegensrc/
- the generated Java implementation of the parser and syntax tree
The local repository is created under ~/.ceylon/repo
To publish the type checker and language module (this is required before building the compiler), type:
ant publish
Other commands:
ant clean.repo
- clean local repositoryant publish.language.module
- publishceylon.language
module as.template
file in the local repoant publish.typechecker
- publish typechecker jar in the local repoant publish
- publish both
The content of this repository is released under the ASL v2.0 as provided in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
By submitting a "pull request" or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the license mentioned above.