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Latest data: Fri Apr 28 14:29:16 UTC 2023
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Automated committed Apr 28, 2023
1 parent 651bb71 commit 9c85393
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Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
{"resource": {"name": "Finance Department Goals", "id": "wx9a-nx75", "parent_fxf": [], "description": "Data for the Finance Department's goals, in addition to supporting data. Current data is collected from reports produced by the City of Plano.", "attribution": "The City of Plano Finance Department", "attribution_link": "", "contact_email": null, "type": "dataset", "updatedAt": "2022-03-25T17:41:30.000Z", "createdAt": "2015-07-29T18:26:56.000Z", "metadata_updated_at": "2022-03-25T17:41:30.000Z", "data_updated_at": "2022-02-22T20:30:21.000Z", "columns_name": ["Water & Sewer Rev. Bonds", "Date", "Mgmt. Comments", "Bond Rating (Sewer)", "Drainage Rev. Bonds", "G.O Bonds, CO, and TAN", "Gen. Fund Balance (Days)", "Bond Rating (G.O.)", "Unqualified Audit Opinion", "Gen. Fund Balance (Mil)"], "columns_field_name": ["water_sewer_revenue_bonds", "date", "management_comments", "bond_rating_sewer", "muni_drainage_rev_bonds", "g_o_bonds_co_and_tan", "_30_day_fund_balance_days", "bond_rating", "unqualified_audit_opinion", "general_fund_balance_millions"], "columns_datatype": ["Number", "Calendar date", "Number", "Text", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Text", "Checkbox", "Number"], "columns_description": ["Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Long-Term Debt", "", "Number of comments received in audit by third-party auditor", "", "Municipal Drainage Revenue Bonds, Long-Term Debt", "Long-Term debt for general obligation bonds, certificates of obligation, and tax anticipation notes", "# of Days General Fund balance will last to run city expenses", "Bond Rating for General Obligation Bonds", "", ""], "columns_format": [{"precision": "0", "align": "right", "currencyStyle": "USD", "humane": "false", "precisionStyle": "currency"}, {"view": "date_y", "align": "left"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {}, {"precision": "0", "align": "right", "currencyStyle": "USD", "humane": "false", "precisionStyle": "currency"}, {"precision": "0", "align": "right", "currencyStyle": "USD", "humane": "false", "precisionStyle": "currency"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {"align": "left"}, {}, {"precision": "1", "align": "right", "currencyStyle": "USD", "humane": "false", "precisionStyle": "currency"}], "provenance": "official", "lens_view_type": "tabular", "lens_display_type": "table", "blob_mime_type": null, "hide_from_data_json": false, "publication_date": "2019-02-11T20:06:36.000Z"}, "classification": {"categories": ["finance", "infrastructure"], "tags": [], "domain_category": "Finance", "domain_tags": ["audit", "bonds", "finance", "plano"], "domain_metadata": []}, "metadata": {"domain": ""}, "permalink": "", "link": "", "owner": {"id": "t57x-ybgv", "user_type": "interactive", "display_name": "jenmor"}, "creator": {"id": "t57x-ybgv", "user_type": "interactive", "display_name": "jenmor"}}
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{"resource": {"name": "Environmental Health Data", "id": "ymr3-qzjy", "parent_fxf": [], "description": "Data from Plano's Environmental Health Department. This data set contains information from three programs / departmental functions: Vector Control (VC), Pool Inspections (P), and Food Service Inspections (F).", "attribution": "The City of Plano Department of Environmental Health", "attribution_link": null, "contact_email": null, "type": "dataset", "updatedAt": "2022-03-24T21:42:17.000Z", "createdAt": "2015-09-08T17:59:36.000Z", "metadata_updated_at": "2022-03-24T21:42:17.000Z", "data_updated_at": "2021-10-06T20:16:14.000Z", "columns_name": ["(VC) Mosquito traps set", "(F) CO Inspections", "(F) Plan Reviews", "(F) Follow-up Insps.", "(P) Pools under Insp.", "(F) Total Ann. Permits", "(VC) Liquid Pesticide used", "(VC) Mosq. Compl.", "(F) Compl.", "(P) CO Insps.", "(P) VIO ", "(P) Follow-up Insps.", "(VC) Rodent Compl.", "(VC) Larvicide (tabs)", "(F) On-site Corrections", "(F) Violations", "(F) Routine Insps.", "(P) Insps.", "(VC) Number of mosquitoes trapped", "(VC) Larvicide granular used", "(F) Closures - Enf.", "(P) Closures ", "(P) CORRs on Site", "Date"], "columns_field_name": ["mosquito_traps_set", "f_co_s_kc_mj_dh", "f_plan_reviews_kc_mj_dh", "f_follow_up_insps", "p_pools_under_insp", "f_total_ann_permits", "vc_chem_used", "vc_mosq_compl", "f_compl", "p_co_insps", "p_vio", "p_follow_up_insps", "vc_rodent_compl", "vc_larvicide_tabs", "f_corr", "f_vio", "f_routine_insps", "p_insps", "number_of_mosquitoes_trapped", "larvicide_granular_used", "f_closures_enf", "p_closures", "p_corrs_on_site", "date"], "columns_datatype": ["Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number", "Calendar date"], "columns_description": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "columns_format": [{"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {}, {}, {}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {}, {}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {"precisionStyle": "standard", "noCommas": "false", "align": "right"}, {}, {}, {}, {"view": "date", "align": "left", "aggregate": "count"}], "provenance": "official", "lens_view_type": "tabular", "lens_display_type": "table", "blob_mime_type": null, "hide_from_data_json": false, "publication_date": "2019-04-09T14:47:30.000Z"}, "classification": {"categories": ["environment"], "tags": [], "domain_category": "Environmental Health & Sustainability", "domain_tags": ["environment", "food", "health", "inspection", "mosquito", "plano", "pool", "vector"], "domain_metadata": []}, "metadata": {"domain": ""}, "permalink": "", "link": "", "owner": {"id": "ahxr-6ubb", "user_type": "interactive", "display_name": "Jeff Johnson"}, "creator": {"id": "ahxr-6ubb", "user_type": "interactive", "display_name": "Jeff Johnson"}}
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