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Arduino SimpleFOClibrary v2.2 - minimal project builder

This repo is still in its early stage, it will be made up to date soon 😄

MinimalBuild License: MIT arduino-library-badge

This is the branch of the SimpleFOClibrary repository intended to be used to simplify the creation of the projects with minimal code possible which is specific for certain motor+sensor+driver combination.

Repository structure

Library source code structure

├─── Arduino-FOC/src
| |
| ├─ BLDCMotor.cpp/h           # BLDC motor handling class  
| ├─ StepperMotor.cpp/h        # Stepper motor handling class 
| |
│ ├─── common                  # Contains all the common utility classes and functions
| | |
| | ├─ defaults.h              # default motion control parameters
| | ├─ foc_utils.cpp./h        # utility functions of the FOC algorithm
| | ├─ time_utils.cpp/h        # utility functions for dealing with time measurements and delays
| | ├─ pid.cpp./h              # class implementing PID controller
| | ├─ lowpass_filter.cpp./h   # class implementing Low pass filter
| | |
| | ├─── base_classes
| | | ├─ FOCMotor.cpp./h        # common class for all implemented motors  
| | | ├─ BLDCDriver.h           # common class for all BLDC drivers  
| | | ├─ StepperDriver.h        # common class for all Stepper drivers
| | | └─ Sensor./h              # common class for all implemented sensors
| |
| ├─── drivers  
| | ├─ BLDCDriver3PWM.cpp/h         # Implementation of generic 3PWM bldc driver
| | ├─ BLDCDriver6PWM.cpp/h         # Implementation of generic 6PWM bldc driver
| | ├─ StepperDriver2PWM.cpp/h      # Implementation of generic 2PWM stepper driver
| | ├─ StepperDriver4PWM.cpp/h      # Implementation of generic 4PWM stepper driver
| | |      
| | ├─ hardware_api.h               # common mcu specific api handling pwm setting and configuration
| | |
| | ├─── hardware_specific          # mcu specific hadrware_api.h implementations
| | | ├─ atmega2560_mcu.cpp         # ATMega 2560 implementation
| | | ├─ atmega328_mcu.cpp          # ATMega 328 (Arduino UNO) implementation
| | | ├─ esp32_mcu.cpp              # esp32 implementation
| | | ├─ stm32_mcu.cpp              # stm32 implementation
| | | ├─ teensy_mcu.cpp             # teensy implementation
| | | └─ generic_mcu./h             # generic implementation - if not nay of above (not complete)       
| |
| ├─── sensors 
| │ ├─ Encoder.cpp/h                # Encoder class implementing the Quadrature encoder operations
| │ ├─ MagneticSensorSPI.cpp/h      # class implementing SPI communication for Magnetic sensors
| │ ├─ MagneticSensorI2C.cpp/h      # class implementing I2C communication for Magnetic sensors
| │ ├─ MagneticSensorAnalog.cpp/h   # class implementing Analog output for Magnetic sensors
    └─ HallSensor.cpp/h             # class implementing Hall sensor

Minimal project examples provided for quick start:

├─── minimal_project_examples       # Project examples
│ ├─ atmega2560_stepper_encoder     # ATMega2560 + BLDC motor + 3PWM driver + encoder
| |
│ ├─ atmega328_bldc_encoder         # ATMega328 + BLDC motor + 3PWM driver + Encoder
│ ├─ atmega328_bldc_magnetic_i2c    # ATMega328 + BLDC motor + 3PWM driver + I2C magnetic sensor
│ ├─ atmega328_bldc_openloop        # ATMega328 + BLDC motor + 3PWM driver
│ ├─ atmega328_driver_standalone    # ATMega328 + 3PWM driver|
│ ├─ esp32_bldc_magnetic_spi        # ESP32 + BLDC motor  + 3PWM driver + SPI magnetic sensor
│ ├─ esp32_stepper_openloop         # ESP32 + Stepper motor + 4PWM driver
| |
│ ├─ stm32_bldc_encoder             # stm32 + BLDC motor + 6PWM driver + encoder
  └─ stm32_bldc_hall                # stm32 + BLDC motor + 3PWM driver + hall sensors

Creating your own minimal project

Creating your own minimal project version is very simple and is done in four steps:

  • Step 0: Download minimal branch contents to your PC
  • Step 1: Create your the arduino project
  • Step 2: Add driver specific code
  • Step 3: Add motor specific code
  • Step 4: Add sensor specific code

Step 0. Download the code

Github website download

  • Make sure you are in minimal branch
  • Download the code by clicking on the Clone or Download > Download ZIP.
  • Unzip it

Using terminal

  • Open the terminal:
    cd *to you desired directory*
    git clone -b minimal

Step 1. Creating the Arduino project

Open a directory you want to use as your arduino project directory my_arduino_project and create my_arduino_project.ino file. After this you create src folder in this directory and copy the folder named common from the library_source folder. Your project directory should now have structure:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
│ | ├─── common 
| | | ├─ defaults.h              # default motion control parameters
| | | ├─ foc_utils.cpp./h        # utility functions of the FOC algorithm
| | | ├─ time_utils.cpp/h        # utility functions for dealing with time measurements and delays
| | | ├─ pid.cpp./h              # class implementing PID controller
| | | ├─ lowpass_filter.cpp./h   # class implementing Low pass filter
| | | └─── base_classes             # common class for all implemented sensors  

Step 2. Add driver specific code

First create a drivers folder in src folder. If you wish to use the 3PWM or 6PWM BLDC driver in your project with your setup you will have to copy the BLDCDriver3PWM.cpp/h files or BLDCDriver3PWM.cpp/h files from the library_source/drivers folder in your drivers folder. If you wish to use the 4PWM or 2PWM stepper motor make sure to copy the StepperDriver4PWM.cpp/h or StepperDriver2PWM.cpp/h files and place them to the src/drivers folder.

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | |
│   └───  drivers      
|     └─ BLDCDriver3PWM.cpp/h # BLDC motor handling class  

Next from the library_source/drivers directory copy the hardware_api.h file to the src/drivers folder as well as the hardware_specific folder. Finally in the hardware_specific folder leave only the x_mcu.cpp file which corresponds to your mcu architecture. For example, for esp32 boards

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | |
│   └───  drivers      
|     ├─ BLDCDriver3PWM.cpp/h         # BLDC driver handling class  
|     ├─ hardware_api.h               # common mcu specific api handling pwm setting and configuration
|     └─── hardware_specific          # mcu specific hadrware_api.h implementations
|       └─ esp32_mcu.cpp              # esp32 implementation

And in your Arduino code in the my_arduino_project.ino file make sure to add the the include:

#include "src/drivers/BLDCDriver3PWM.h"

For the combination of stepper driver 4pwm and stm32 board the structure will be:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | |
│   └───  drivers      
|     ├─ StepperDriver4PWM.cpp/h      # Stepper driver handling class  
|     ├─ hardware_api.h               # common mcu specific api handling pwm setting and configuration
|     └─── hardware_specific          # mcu specific hadrware_api.h implementations
|       └─ stm32_mcu.cpp              # stm32 implementation

And the include:

#include "src/drivers/StepperDriver4PWM.h"

If you wish to run your drivers in the standalone mode these are all the files that you will need. See the atmega328_driver_standalone project example.

Step 3. Add motor specific code

If you wish to use the BLDC motor with your setup you will have to copy the BLDCMotor.cpp/h from the library_source folder, and if you wish to use the stepper motor make sure to copy the StepperMotor.cpp/h files and place them to the src folder

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | ├─── drivers            # Driver handling software
| | |
|   └─ BLDCMotor.cpp/h      # BLDC motor handling class  

And in your Arduino code in the my_arduino_project.ino file make sure to add the the include:

#include "src/BLDCMotor.h"

For stepper motors the procedure is equivalent:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | ├─── drivers            # Driver handling software
| | |
|   └─ StepperMotor.cpp/h   # Stepper motor handling class 

And the include:

#include "src/StepperMotor.h"

If you wish to run your motor in the open loop mode these are all the files that you will need. See the esp32_stepper_openloop and atmega328_bldc_openloop project examples.

Step 4. Add sensor specific code

In order to support the different position sensors you will first have to create the sensors folder in your src folder. And then copy their *.cpp and *.h files which correspond to the sensor into your src/sensors directory. You can find the sensor implementations in the library_source/sensors directory.

Example: Encoder sensor

For example if you wish to use BLDC motor and encoder as a sensor, your arduino project will have structure:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common             # Common utility classes and functions
| | ├─── drivers            # Driver handling software
│   ├─── sensors      
|   | └─ Encoder.cpp/h      # Encoder class implementing the Quadrature encoder operations
|   |
|   └─ BLDCMotor.cpp/h      # BLDC motor handling class 

And in your in your arduino project my_arduino_project.ino add the line:

#include "src/sensors/Encoder.h"

See atmega328_bldc_encoder and stm32_bldc_encoder project example for BLDC motors or atmega2560_stepper_encoder for stepper equivalent.

Example: SPI Magnetic sensor

If you wish to use Stepper motor and SPI magnetic sensor in your project, your folder structure will be:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common                   # Common utility classes and functions
| | ├─── drivers                  # Driver handling software
│   ├─── sensors      
|   | └─ MagneticSensorSPI.cpp/h  # class implementing SPI communication for Magnetic sensors
|   |
|   └─ StepperMotor.cpp/h         # Stepper motor handling class  

And in your in your arduino project my_arduino_project.ino add the line:

#include "src/sensors/MagneticSensorSPI.h"

See esp32_bldc_magnetic_spi project example or atmega328_bldc_magnetic_i2c for I2C magnetic sensors equivalent.

Example: Multiple sensors: analog magnetic sensor and encoder

For example if you wish to use magnetic sensor with SPI communication, your arduino project will have structure:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common                       # Common utility classes and functions
| | ├─── drivers                      # Driver handling software
│   ├─── sensors      
|   | ├─ Encoder.cpp/h                # Encoder class implementing the Quadrature encoder operations
|   | └─ MagneticSensorAnalog.cpp/h   # class implementing Analog output for Magnetic sensors
|   |
|   └─ StepperMotor.cpp/h             # Stepper motor handling class 

And added includes should be:

#include "src/sensors/MagneticSensorAnalog.h"
#include "src/sensors/Encoder.h"

Example: Sensors standalone - without motor/driver

It is possible to use the sensors developed in this library as standalone sensors. For that you can need to do steps 0. and 1. and then just add the sensor specific code. This is one possible project structure if you wish to use an encoder as a standalone sensor:

├─── my_arduino_project
| ├─ my_arduino_project.ino
| └─── src
| | ├─── common                       # Common utility classes and functions
│   └─── sensors      
|     └─ Encoder.cpp/h                # Encoder class implementing the Quadrature encoder operations

And you can include it directly to the arduino project:

#include "src/sensors/Encoder.h"


Find out more information about the Arduino SimpleFOClibrary and SimpleFOCproject in docs website

Arduino FOC repo structure

Branch Description Status
master Stable and tested library version Library Compile
dev Development library version Library Dev Compile
minimal Minimal Arduino example with integrated library MinimalBuild