- #def moveEvent(event, newBranch, authorSignature):
- check that msg.sender is one of our function contracts
- investigate https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~hoda/HLPV.pdf
- consider implications of updating data/api contracts & data migration
- https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/HPOC_2015#anti-pre-revelation + reddit post /r/augur
- randomized voter selection? - first x events expiring vote on in one ballot - random selection, then another ballot (V presentation on a similar strat.) - req. rep sort
- ethereum rng:
- probability 0 1 ... 100
- prob = probability*2^32
- if(sha(block.prevhash+block.coinbase+block.timestamp+nonce) mod 2^32<prob): you got picked / won the rng!
- max number of owners in a branch of rep. issues w/ sending rep etc
- zeroing of array values (e.g. people in the rep index after they have 0 rep left)
- consensus bond mechanism cheaper + reporting on outcome + if not certain onchain as fallback
- possibly enable people to choose their own resolution scripts
- metadata off chain
- https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Problems#3-arbitrary-proof-of-computation (to 11)
- reporting / consensus scaling
- reward whoever does close market according to gas cost (pay gas fee in cashcoin to miner)
- work with etherex & chow (bitsquare, coineffine, mercuryex other decentralized exchanges as well) / stablecoins
- new consensus implementation
- min/max fxp? & 1,2 or 2^64 and 2*2^64 - should probably support fxp
- Stop loss orders
- public good funding (dominant assurance contracts) + poss. futarchy
- allow people to set market base currencies - is this what V meant by mult. currency support
- With these conditions: [1] Stalled Branch, [2] Decision-Author’s signature, one can move an event to a new Branch (use ecVerify serpent function)
- frontrunning prevention - spows