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Building blocks for REST APIs, built on industry standards


Webroute is a set of building blocks which can combine to form a fully fledged web framework. Each tool is decoupled from the next, meaning they are all independently useful. But they can also be stacked, leaving you with a strong foundation for quickly building backend web apps that are future-proofed.

View the documentation.

Example Usage

import { route } from "@webroute/route";

export const myRoute = route("/post/:id")
  .params(z.object({ id: z.string() }))
  .handle(async (req, c) => {
    const { params } = await c.parse();
    // ...
    return { title: "..." };

// myRoute: (req: Request) => Response

Quick Start

To get up and running quickly with a fully-fledged app, you can use the create-webroute-app command:

npx create-webroute-app ./my-app

How is this different to X?

Webroute is not a framework. Modern web apps are deployed to a range of different environments, runtimes and architectures. Webroute provides a handful of independent libraries to help with common tasks like routing, route handling, middleware and client-side type-safety.

Webroute was designed to get out of your way and to be minimally opinionated. We prefer requiring slightly more additional setup if it means much greater flexibility – and less lock-in – for the lifetime of an app.

Webroute provides several packages that are entirely independent of one another. Combined, they can be used to create fully-fledged REST APIs.

They will work with any framework or runtime that utilises web-standard Request and Response objects.

Package Purpose
Route Build powereful and atomic web-standard request handlers
Client Create type-safe clients for any REST API
Middleware Middleware compatible with any framework
Schema Universal converters, parsers and infererence for any schema
Router Match incoming Requests to request handlers
OpenAPI Spec (OAS) Define, generate and infer OpenAPI schema without any codegen


Webroute was built from the ground up to be friendly with most existing tools. It can be used standalone or alongside existing frameworks, and in various runtimes.


  • ✅ Hono
  • ✅ NextJS
  • ✅ Remix
  • ✅ SolidStart


  • ✅ Bun
  • ✅ Deno
  • ✅ Node (via adapter)
  • ✅ Cloudflare Workers
  • ✅ Vercel Edge


Feel free to open any PRs or issues or start a discussion.


Webroute was initially developed by Nick Sinclair