Get ready for your next gig with a personalized playlist.
Check out a live demo:
GigPlayList is a web app that curates playlists for upcoming gigs based on setlists and artist data. Powered by Next.js and hosted on Vercel, it integrates with external APIs like MusicBrainz, SetListFM, Songkick, and Spotify to create tailored music experiences.
Node.js 20+ Make sure you have Node.js version 20 or higher installed. You can easily manage your Node versions using NVM. Run
nvm use
to switch to the correct version. -
pnpm is used as the package manager. You can install it globally using:
npm install -g pnpm
Install project dependencies:
pnpm install
Create a
file by copying the.env.sample
file:cp .env.sample .env
Obtain API keys from the services listed below and add them to your
To start the app in development mode, run:
pnpm dev
Then, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the app.
The following API keys are required to enable full functionality:
export SETLISTFMAPIKEY={your_token}
export SKAPI={your_token}
export NEXT_PUBLIC_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID={your_client_id} # needs NEXT_PUBLIC as it needs to be accessed to the client export SPOTIFY_SECRET={your_client_secret}