This is a sample setup of prometheus. It can be used to test all the typical functionalities provided by it. It is inspired by this repository.
docker-compose is enough to run everything, simply by doing:
docker-compose up --build
You can access the different components:
- prometheus
- grafana (user: root / pwd: root)
- alert-manager
- node-exporter
- cadvisor
- blackbox-exporter
NOTE: This setup is not production ready. There is no network distinction and all services are exposed.
When changing the configuration, you can restart prometheus through this command
curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/-/reload
Similarly, for the alert-manager:
curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/-/reload
There are a bunch of sources configured:
- prometheus
Prometheus scrapes itself
Scrapes data about generated alerts. Such as alertmanager_alerts
Scrapes data about the underlying host. Such as node_cpu_seconds_total
Scrapes data about running containers. Such as container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
Checks whether a list of defined target urls is online or not, sort of like a homegrown freshping. Note that the actual targets are verified by the probe_success
Scrapes metrics provided by the application or the jvm, such as jvm_threads_states_threads
The number of samples ingested by prometheus per second:
A rate incorporating requests sent by prometheus, and a second one aggregated:
- rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{code="200", job="prometheus"}[5m])
- sum(rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{code="200", job="prometheus"}[5m]))
Aggregated heap consumption for JVM applications
sum by(instance)(sum_over_time(jvm_memory_used_bytes{area="heap"}[1h]))
Probes set up by the blackbox exporter that are failing
The grafana instance comes with some dashboards preinstalled as a starting point.
The alert manager comes preconfigured with a bunch of alerts. You can simulate a failure that will trigger an alert by doing
docker-compose stop echo
Critical alerts are sent to a custom receiver. To see the alerts, you can check its logs:
docker logs receiver