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This Rails 4 app sets up the basic code for a skeleton app:

  • There some basic models, each meant to do somethign interesting:
    • Task: It borrows code from a standard scaffold structure. It showcases a simple association - belongs_to :owner, class_name: "User"
    • Location: It showcases geocoding.
  • Devise and Cancan are set up:
    • Devise uses User as the model for authentication; no other config changes are made for Devise other than those in the default gem. Devise views are installed.
    • CanCan uses a simple authentication using the Task => User association
  • Views (for Task) use HAML
  • Layouts uses Twitter Bootstrap CSS.
  • Forms use Formtastic Bootstrap.


The app also has some basic tests:

  • It uses RSpec - rails g rspec:install has already been run for you.
  • It uses Capybara.
  • Unit tests for users and tasks - check that users can be created, and that tasks cannot be created when a user is not logged in.
  • Integration tests: None so far

How Did The App Get Here?

If you are trying to do this from scratch, note that the following rails and rake commands are essential to getting the app to its current state, after your bundle is installed (though you also have to change the code obviously).

This list is unfortunately not complete - it's pretty hard to keep the list of migrations up-to-date. :(

rails new baseline_rails_4_install
rails generate model Task title:string owner_id:integer
rails generate scaffold Location lat:float long:float name:string address:string	
rails g migration AddAdminToUser admin:boolean
rails g migration AddAgeToUser age:integer

These generate files, so you don't have to re-run them, but they are here for the sake of the record. This list too is probably incomplete:

# Devise
rails generate devise User
rails generate devise:views

# CanCan
rails g cancan:ability

# For rspec tests folders
rails generate rspec:install

# For formtastic
rails generate formtastic:install


A Rails based Learning Management System






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