A lightweight header only command line argument parsing library. Just download clapp.hpp and get to work.
#include "../include/clapp.hpp"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
clapp::ArgumentParser parser(argc, argv);
parser.name("Sample Application")
.description("Some really useful cli program.")
std::string inputFilename;
.description("Input filename.")
parser.option("-v", "--version")
.callback([](auto val) {
std::cout << "1.0" << std::endl;
std::string config;
parser.option<std::string>("-c", "--cfg")
.argument("json config file")
.description("Sets the config file.")
bool silent = false;
.description("Silent mode")
auto& flag = parser.option("-f")
.description("Flag for something.");
std::string loglevel;
.choices({"trace", "debug", "info"})
.description("Set the log level")
if (parser.parse())
std::cout << "Input filename: " << inputFilename << std::endl;
std::cout << "Config file: " << config << std::endl;
std::cout << "Silent mode set: " << silent << std::endl;
std::cout << "Flag set: " << flag.value() << std::endl;
> ./basic -h
Sample Application 1.0.0
Some really useful cli program.
./a.out [-h] INPUT_FILENAME [-v] -c <json config file> [-s]
[-f] [--loglevel debug|info|trace]
-h --help
Print this help message.
Input filename.
-v --version
-c --cfg <json config file>
Sets the config file.
Silent mode
Flag for something.
--loglevel debug|info|trace
Set the log level
> ./basic test.txt -c config.json -f
Input filename: test.txt
Config file: config.json
Silent mode set: 0
Flag set: 1
> ./basic -v