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SISTER Preprocess PGE Documentation


The L1B preprocess PGE takes as input imaging spectroscopy datasets in their native formats and converts them to a common set of file types for downstream processing. Currently, preprocessing is supported for four sensors:

  • AVIRIS Classic
  • AVIRIS Next Generation
  • EMIT

Processing steps vary by sensor and are descibed below.


Input data for AVCL is a tar'ed and gzipped archived containing multiple ENVI formated datasets, including radiance, geolocation and geometry data.

File example:


Preprocessing of AVCL data includes application of radiance gains to generate radiance data in the units of microwatts per centimeter squared per steradian (μW/cm2/sr). Preprocessing of AVCL also includes optional spatial resampling. Spatial resampling is performed by aggregating and averaging pixels followed by a nearest neighbor resampling to the target resolution.

AVCL preprocess workflow

AVIRIS Next Generation (AVNG)

Input data for AVNG is a tar'ed and gzipped archived containing multiple ENVI formated datasets, including radiance, geolocation and geometry data.

File example:


Preprocessing of AVNG also includes optional spatial resampling. Spatial resampling is performed by aggregating and averaging pixels followed by a nearest neighbor resampling to the target resolution.

AVng preprocess workflow


DESIS L1C radiance data are provided by the German Space Agency (DLR) and Teledyne as a zipped archive containing radiance data in a GeoTIFF file along with metadata in an XML file.

Example file:

Provided band gains and offsets are using to convert radiance data to physical units of μW/cm2/sr. Per-pixel sensor geometry data is not provided, instead a scene mean value is included in the metadata, this value is assigned to all pixels in the image. Per-pixel solar geometry is calculated at the start time of image collection. An elevation dataset is not provided with DESIS imagery and is generated during runtime. Copernicus DEM tiles that overlap the DESIS image extent are downloaded from AWS servers (''), mosiacked and clipped to the geographic extent of the input dataset.

DESIS preprocess workflow


PRISMA L1 radiance data are provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as a zipped HDF file containing unprojected radiance, pixel geolocation data and sensor and solar geometry data.

Example file:

Prior to data export a series of correction routines are applied to the dataset to improve geometric registration and radiometry. First a smile correction is applied by resampling the radiance data using a precalculated wavelength center array, next a pseudo flat field correction is applied to the radiance data using a precalculated array of radiometric adjustment coefficients. Using the input Landsat image as a reference image pixel coordinates are then adjusted using an image matching algorithm. An elevation dataset is not provided with PRISMA imagery and is generated during runtime. Copernicus DEM tiles that overlap the PRISMA image extent are downloaded from AWS servers (''), mosiacked and clipped to the geographic extent of the input dataset. Finally all datasets are projected in the appropriate WGS84 UTM zone at a spatial resolution of 30m.

PRISMA preprocess workflow


EMIT L1B radiance and observation datasets are provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in NetCDF format and contain radiance, per-pixel coordinates, elevation and sensor and solar geometry data.

File examples:

EMIT datasets are first converted to ENVI formatted files and then projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) using the provided per-pixel geographic coordinates at 60m resolution.

EMIT preprocess workflow

PGE Arguments

In addition to required MAAP job submission arguments the L1 preprocess PGE also takes the following arguments:

Argument Description Default
raw_dataset URL to input raw dataset granule -
crid Composite release identifier '000'
experimental Designates outputs as "experimental" 'True'


The outputs of the L1B preprocess PGE use the following naming convention:


Note that the "EXPERIMENTAL-" prefix is optional and is only added when the "experimental" flag is set to True.

The following data products are produced:

Product description Units Example filename
ENVI Radiance datacube μW/cm2/sr SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001
ENVI Radiance header file - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001.hdr
ENVI Radiance metadata (STAC formatted) - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001.json
False color radiance quicklook - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001.png
ENVI Location datacube - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_LOC.bin
1. WGS-84 longitude decimal degrees
2. WGS-84 latitude decimal degrees
3. Ground elevation meters
ENVI Location header file - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_LOC.hdr
ENVI Location metadata (STAC formatted) - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_LOC.json
ENVI Observation datacube - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_OBS.bin
1. path length meters
2. to-sensor-azimuth 0 to 360 degrees clockwise N
3. to-sensor-zenith 0 to 90 degrees from zenith
4. to-sun-azimuth 0 to 360 degrees clockwise N
5. to-sun-zenith 0 to 90 degrees from zenith
6. solar phase degrees
7. slope decimal degrees
8. aspect 0 to 360 degrees clockwise from N
9. cosine i unitless
10. UTC time decimal hours
11. Earth-sun distance astronomical unit
ENVI Observation header file - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_OBS.hdr
Observation metadata (STAC formatted) - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001_OBS.json
PGE runconfig - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001.runconfig.json
PGE log - SISTER_AVNG_L1B_RDN_20220502T180901_001.log

File and band descriptions taken directly from [AVIRIS NG Data Product Readme] (

Metadata files are STAC formatted and compatible with tools in the STAC ecosystem.

Executing the Algorithm

This algorithm requires Anaconda Python

To install and run the code, first clone the repository and execute the install script:

git clone
cd sister-preprocess
cd ..

Then, create a working directory and enter it:

mkdir WORK_DIR

Copy the input file to the work directory and run the code.

../sister-preprocess/ --raw_dataset f110513t01p00r03.tar.gz