Some include files for Windows C++ development I use.
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Has the following types:
* UTF8
* ItsTime
* ItsString
* ItsConvert
* ItsRandom
* ItsDateTime
* ItsLog
* ItsID
deprecated Has the following types:
* ItsCli
Has the following types:
* ItsComException
* ItsMarshalPtr
* ItsMarshalGITPtr
* ItsComUtil
* ItsComRuntime
Has the following types:
* ItsException
* ItsNullReferenceException
* ItsArgumentNullException
* ItsArgumentException
Has the following types:
* ItsWin
Has the following types:
* ItsTimer
* ItsGuid
* ItsPath
* ItsError
* unique_handle_handle
* unique_findhandle_handle
* unique_findchangehandle_handle
* unique_hwnd_handle
* unique_hbitmap_handle
* unique_hmenu_handle
* unique_himagelist_handle
* unique_hrgn_handle
* unique_hbrush_handle
* unique_hfont_handle
* unique_hicon_handle
* ItsDirectory
* ItsEvent
* ItsTextFile
* ItsFile
* ItsRegistry
* ItsFileMonitor