Web-based daily diary for self-reporting during HCI studies
Daybook was originally deployed using uWSGI as the app server but it should run perfectly happyil using the Flask development server. Assuming that you have Pip, VirtualEnv and CouchDB installed, cd into the case.study/daybook/ directory then create a new virtualenv: $ cd case.study/daybook/ $ virtualenv env
Start your virtualenv then install the external libraries using the supplied requirements.txt $ source env/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now create a var/ directory to store log files from the running app and create an empty log file ready for data: $ mdkir var $ touch var/daybook.log
Start your CouchDB instance (we assume that once running it is available on localhost:5984). If not you may have to adjust the settings in case.study/daybook/etc/defaults.cfg $ couchdb
We want Daybook to run with the src directory as a sub-directory of our application root (mainly so that the etc/ and var/ directories are located correctly relative to the runing app) so cd to case/study/daybool then start the app: $ python src/daybook.py
Now open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/
Add application src to the PYTHONPATH:
Run the tests: $ python test/daybook/daybook_test.py