Register to to access Globe Labs API
To install run pip install pyglobe
or easy_install pyglobe
import pyglobe try: service = pyglobe.PyGlobe(uname='<globe API uname>', pin='<globe API pin>', msisdn='<11 digit mobile number>') service.sendSMS('Message through Globe Labs API') except (pyglobe.PyGlobeInvalidServiceException, pyglobe.PyGlobeInvalidURLException, pyglobe.PyGlobeServerFaultException) as e: print "An error occurred: %s" % e
import pyglobe #Valid SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) smil = "<smil><head><layout><root-layout height='96' width='122' /><region height='67%' fit='meet' id='Image' width='100%' left='0%' top='0%' /><region height='33%' fit='scroll' id='Text' width='100%' left='0%' top='67%' /></layout></head><body><par dur='8000ms'><img src='' region='Image' /><text src='' region='Text' /></par></body></smil>" try: service = pyglobe.PyGlobe(uname='<globe API uname>', pin='<globe API pin>', msisdn='<11 digit mobile number>') service.sendMMS('<subject>', smil) except (pyglobe.PyGlobeInvalidServiceException, pyglobe.PyGlobeInvalidURLException, pyglobe.PyGlobeServerFaultException) as e: print "An error occurred: %s" % e