Still TODO's for app: - go to mapped URL for shortened link; - think about that form and prevent re-generation of shortened link on page refresh with result.
Project setup steps: 1. Create apache2 http website 1.1. touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/shortener.conf 1.2. vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/shortener.conf: <virtualhost *:80=""> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName shortener ServerAlias shortener DocumentRoot /var/www/html/shortener ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </virtualhost> 1.3. mkdir /var/www/html/shortener 1.4. touch /var/www/html/shortener/index.html 1.5. vi /var/www/html/shortener/index.html: add some HTML 1.6. sudo systemctl restart apache2 1.7. access website: localhost/shortener 2. Database: SQLite (+ sqlitebrowser (snap install sqlitebrowser)) 2.1. Model: 3. Flask installation: 3.1. Go to project dir 3.2. Create virtual env: python3 -m venv venv 3.3. Activate venv: . venv/bin/activate 3.4. Install Flask: pip install Flask 4. Start http server: 4.1. go to project directory 4.2. python 5.