This script will create all the objects within the NetBox environment ready for the addition of devices, it does not add the devices themselves. It is not idempotent as the purpose is to add objects rather than edit or delete existing objects. The Netbox environment is defined in YAML files that follow the hierarchical structure of the NetBox menus. The script follows this same structure allowing sub-sections of the environment to be created or additions to be made to an existing section.
This has been tested against v3.1.7, it wont work on v2.x due to the changes made to the NetBox post v2.8
From the YAML input files Data-Models (per-menu) are built and fed into the API engine to create any objects that do not already exist. The obj_check method verifies whether an object already exists and uses obj_create to create the NetBox objects and handle errors.
Each NetBox menu is represented by a separate data-model class (from that is instantiated using dictionaries from the input file to create a list of dictionaries for each of the objects under that NetBox menu. These dictionaries are passed through the engine class (from which hold all the methods that interact with NetBox to check object existence and perform object creation.
All data-model classes are built in the same format consisting of cr_xxx methods to create object data-models and a create_xxx method to run all the cr_xxx methods and return the complete data-model. Below is an example of how Organisation objects are created by first instantiating the class using input friendly name (for stdout message), path of api call, filter (to check if object already exists) and data-model are passed into the engine.
org = Organisation(my_vars["tenant"], my_vars["rack_role"])
org_dict = org.create_tnt_site_rack()
nbox.engine("Rack Role", "dcim.rack_roles", "name", org_dict["rack_role"])
nbox.engine("Tenant", "tenancy.tenants", "name", org_dict["tnt"])
nbox.engine("Site", "dcim.sites", "name", org_dict["site"])
nbox.engine("Location (parent)", "dcim.locations", "slug", org_dict["prnt_loc"])
nbox.engine("Location (child)", "dcim.locations", "slug", org_dict["chld_loc"])
nbox.engine("Rack", "dcim.racks", "name", org_dict["rack"])
The input data can be defined in the one file or split over multiple YAML files (.yml and .yaml) of any name with the script loading only YAML files in the directory. Because of the hierarchical structure of the YAML file the mandatory dictionary elements will still be required in the file even if those objects are not being created by this script. For example, to create a rack the YAML file needs the tenant, site and location. There are a few example setups in the examples directory to show how the files are structured.
full: An example setup with all the available options defined
simple1: A more streamlined example with just the bare minimum options defined
simple2: Same as last example but VLANs are under a site rather than a VLAN group
work_setup: Structured more for a corporate environment in terms of sites and the roles within IPAM
For most options the slug is optional and if not defined will be automatically generated from the name replacing any white-spaces with _. Make sure to set the slug if you have multiple objects with the same name.
Tenants are top of the tree with optional sites that contain locations (and child locations) that in turn contain racks.
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
tenant | List of tenants | name | slug, descr, tags, site | | List of sites | name | slug, descr, tags, time_zone, ASN, location | | List of locations (like a floor) | name | slug, descr, tags, rack, location | | List of racks | name | tags, role, height, tenant | | List of child locations (like a room) | name | slug, descr, tags, rack | | List of racks in child locations | name | tags, role, height, tenant |
rack-role | List of rack roles | name, color, | slug, descr, tags |
Be careful with child locations as if you are using a generic name such as Room1 although it is nested under the parent location in the GUI you need to make sure you define a unique slug as under the hood is no hierarchy.
The device-types are built from pre-defined YAML files that can be downloaded from the NetBox community or custom created using that same format. By default these are expected to be stored in the device_type directory.
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
manufacturer | List of all device manufacturers | name | slug, descr, tags, platform |
manufacturer.platform | List of platforms (used for NAPALM) | name | slug, descr, tags, driver |
manufacturer.device_type | List of device-type yaml files | device-type.yaml | n/a |
device_role | List of device roles (to assign to device types) | name, color | slug, descr, tags, vm_role |
Prefix/VLAN roles are at the top of the IPAM hierarchy grouping together VLANs and prefixes. VLAN-groups, VLANs, VRFs and prefixes are all in some way related to sites and tenants so are defined under the site with the sites tenant automatically associated or overridden on a per-VLAN group, VLAN, VRF or prefix basis.
- A Prefix/VLAN role can only be used once in the file, it holds all VRFs and VLANs to be added beneath it.
- A VRF or VLAN group can be used multiple times under differing prefix/VLAN roles with the attributes of the first occurrence (description, RT, RD, etc) taken.
- VRFs (and prefixes) can be defined under the role (non-VLAN environments like clouds) or the VLAN group (to associate prefixes with VLANs). RDs are what make VRFs with the same name unique.
- VLANs can be grouped under a VLAN group or directly under the site. If you deploy them under the site NetBox does not enforce VLAN uniqueness however the script will not redeploy a VLAN if it already exists in that site. I prefer to use VLAN groups as they enforce uniqueness and provide a better view of unused VLANs.
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
rir | List of governing bodies (includes RFC1918) | name | slug, descr, tags, is_private, aggregate |
rir.aggregate | List of aggregates in the RIR (your assigned PA or PI prefixes) | prefix | descr, tags |
role | List of prefix and VLAN roles | name, site | slug, descr, tags | | List of existing sites to associate VLANs, VRFs and prefixes | name | vlan_grp, vrf | | List of VLAN groups | name, vlan | slug, descr, tags, tenant, vrf | | List of VLANs in the VLAN group | name, id | descr, tags, tenant | | VRFs in a site with VLANs (prefixes can be linked to VLANs) | name, prefix | descr, tags, tenant, rd, import_rt, export_rt, unique | | List of prefixes within this VRF | pfx | descr, tags, status, vl, pool, tenant | | List of VLANs in a site (no vlan group) | name, id | descr, tags, tenant | | VRFs whose prefixes aren't associated to VLANs or are associated to site VLANs | name, prefix | descr, tags, tenant, rd, import_rt, export_rt, unique | | List of prefixes within this VRF | pfx | descr, tags, tenant, pool |
Using Null as the VRF name will add the prefixes to the NetBox Global VRF. Using this in conjunction with a prefix status of container allows for prefixes from differing VRFs to be seen as child prefixes under this parent prefix. Null can also be used for the site to associate the prefixes with no particular site. By default all prefixes are not a pool unless specifically set as one.
Providers are the ISPs that hold individual circuits with pre-defined circuit-types.
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
circuit_type | List of circuit types | name | slug, descr, tags |
provider | List of providers | name | slug, comments, tags, asn, account_num, portal_url, circuit |
provider.circuit | List of this providers circuits | cid, type | descr, tags, tenant, commit_rate, comments |
Clusters are groupings of resources which VMs run within. Cluster-groups and types allow further grouping of clusters based on things such as location or technology. Site, tenant, cluster-group and tags can be set globally for all members of a cluster-type or be overridden on a per-cluster basis.
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
cluster_group | List of groups (optional) | name | slug, descr, tags |
cluster_type | List of cluster type | name | slug, descr, tags, cluster |
cluster_type.cluster | List of clusters of this cluster type | name | comment, tags, tenant, site, group, |
Contacts are actually in the organisation menu but are defined separately as they can be assigned to a tenant, site, location, rack, manufacturer, cluster-group, cluster, provider or circuit (in GUI you can also assign Device, PowerPanel, Region, SiteGroup, and VirtualMachine).
Object | Description | Mandatory | Optional |
contact_role | List of contact roles | name | slug, descr, tags |
contact_group | List of contact groups | name | slug, descr, tags | | List of contacts (can only be member of 1 group) | name | comments, tags, phone, email, addr |
contact_assign | Assign contacts to roles | assign_to, role, contact | priority |
Clone the repository and create a virtual environment.
git clone
python -m venv ~/venv/nbox/
source ~/venv/nbox/bin/activate
Install the required packages.
cd sjhloco-netbox_env_setup
pip install -r requirements.txt
The first section of the script holds customisable values for the default base directory and folder name (used if not defined at run time), device-type template directory, disabling SSL verification and SSL cert location (if using HTTPS with a self-signed certificate).
dvc_type_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "device_type")
base_dir = os.getcwd()
input_dir = "full_example"
netbox_url = config.netbox_url
api_token = config.api_token
ssl = False
os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = '/Users/user1/Documents/nbox_py_scripts/myCA.pem'
The token and NetBox API URL is set in a separate
variable file that I .gitignore so as not to share with the rest of the world. This is imported with import config
so you either need to add this file or remove the import line and add the token and URL directly in the script. All that holds is a single token variable:
netbox_url = ""
api_token = 'my_token_got_from_netbox'
Before running it is recommended to use to verify the contents of input YAML files. It is an offline script (doesn't connect to NetBox) that verifies things such as:
- All parent dictionaries (tenant, manufacturer, rir, role, crt_type, provider, cluster_type, contact_role, contact_group, contact_assign) are present and the key is a list (can be an empty list if not used)
- All mandatory dictionaries are present
- All Dictionary keys that are meant to be a list, integer, boolean or IPv4 address are of the correct format
- No duplicate object names
- All referenced objects such as tenant, site, rack_role, etc, exist within the input file. If you are not running all tests (for example don't have organisation defined) you will get dependency warnings as it will look for objects such as sites and tenants which don't exist. Can either ignore these or add them to the all_site, all_tnt and all_obj lists to stop the warnings
python simple_example
The script can be run with no flags to create all objects or with flags to only create specific section objects.
Flag | Description |
-o or --organisation |
Create Organisation objects (Circuit-type, Provider, Circuit) |
-d or --device |
Create Device objects (Manufacturers, Platforms, Device-types, Device-roles) |
-i or --ipam |
Create IPAM objects (RIR, Aggregates, Prefix/VLAN roles, VLAN groups, VLANs, VRFs, Prefixes) |
-p or --provider |
Create Provider objects (Circuit-type, Provider, Circuit) |
-c or --contact |
Create Contact objects (Cluster-group, Cluster-type, Cluster) |
-v or --virtual |
Create Virtualisation objects (Contact-role, Contact-group, Contact Assignment) |
none | Create everything |
python simple_example
There are three possible outcomes from the attempt to create each object which are relayed back in stdout:
✅ Object created
❌ Object can’t be created due to the defined error
Unit-testing uses pytest test the majority of situations for the data-modeling ( and netbox api calls ( The netbox testing script requires a netbox URL and API as it will build and destroy a test netbox setup to run the tests against.
pytest -vv
pytest tests/ -vv
pytest tests/ -vv