Adds templates and meteor methods to securely implement a full stack solution on top of alanning:roles
From the terminal in your Meteor project directory:
meteor add skehoe1989:roles-and-groups-manager
Each unique membership manager will need a configuration declared in the lib folder.
MembershipManager.config = {
"exampleManager1": {
title: "Test Member Manager", //Title to be displayed at the top of the membership manager UI (optional)
group: "2132312312", //Name/ID of the group this instance will manage
defaultRole: "member", //Default role for new members of this group
defaultAdminRole: "group-admin", //Default admin role for adding and removing users to the defaultRole
additionalRoles: [{ //array of objects declaring all the additional roles other than the defaultRole
name: "group-admin",
hasPermission: function(userId){ //an optional hasPermission function to validate the credentials of the user trying to add/remove this role
return true;
searchFields: [ //An array of objects describing fields on the Meteor.user object that will be searched and also published to the UI
fieldName: "username", //Name of the field on the Meteor.user object
displayName: "Username" //Display name for the results table in the UI
"exampleManager2": {
title: "Test Member Manager", //Title to be displayed at the top of the membership manager UI (optional)
group: "7987112937", //Name/ID of the group this instance will manage
defaultRole: "member", //Default role for new members of this group
defaultAdminRole: "moderator", //Default admin role for adding and removing users to the defaultRole
additionalRoles: [{ //array of objects declaring all the additional roles other than the defaultRole
name: "moderator",
hasPermission: function(userId){ //an optional hasPermission function to validate the credentials of the user trying to add/remove this role
return true;
name: "admin",
hasPermission: function(userId){
return true;
searchFields: [ //An array of objects describing fields on the Meteor.user object that will be searched and also published to the UI
fieldName: "username", //Name of the field on the Meteor.user object
displayName: "Username" //Display name for the results table in the UI
TODO - I plan to break the template into parts in the future and let the end user override any templates they like. However for now, it is all bundled in one template.
{{> membershipManager managerName="exampleManager1"}}
The managerName must be equal to one of the keys of the MembershipManager.config object described above.
Maintained by BitTiger