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README file of project jalgorithm Build Status:

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Some classic algorithm implemented in Java with demos. (only CLI available)



java -jar xxx.jar

Implemented algorithms and demos so far:

Available Demos:
Comparison Sort                          |Sorting in linear time                  
   1 Heap Sort                           |  11 Bubble Sort                        
   2 Insertion Sort                      |  12 Bucket Sort                        
   3 Merge Sort                          |  13 Counting Sort                      
   4 Merge(Optimized) Sort               |  14 Radix Sort                         
   5 Quick Sort                          |                                        
   6 Quick(Randomized) Sort              |                                        
   7 ~> Compare Sort algorithms <~       |                                        
Single LinkedList Problem
 100 Add two numbers                     | 106 Remove all dups Nodes From List    
 101 Determine Circle in List            | 107 Reverse List                       
 102 Find Circle Begin Node              | 108 Reverse every K nodes in List      
 103 Least Recently Used (LRU) cache     | 109 Sort List                          
 104 Remove Dups From Sorted List        | 110 Swap List Nodes in pair            
 105 Remove N-th Node From End           |                                        
 200 Build Tree from Pair List           | 212 Median Of Two Sorted Arrays        
 201 Check Palindrome Number             | 213 Merge 2 Sorted Arrays              
 202 Check Palindrome String             | 214 Plus One                           
 203 Count Inversion Pairs in Array      | 215 Print Num in Alphabet Ord          
 204 Find All Subsets                    | 216 Print Rest Array In Range          
 205 Find Heavy Integers                 | 217 Product With Same Digit            
 206 Find Max Sub-Array                  | 218 Remove Dups From Sorted Array      
 207 Find Next Higher Number             | 219 Reverse Integer                    
 208 Find Single Number Space: O(1)      | 220 Reverse Words in String            
 209 Find Single Number in Array         | 221 Sort Int with N Digits             
 210 Find Two Sum in Array               | 222 Sort Strings with n Chars          
 211 Longest Substr no-Repeated Chars    | 223 count non-continuous '1' bin-str   
select the demo index (press 0 to exit):

Some demos as examples

Compare Sort Algorithms

[ SortingComparasionDemo ]

Warming JVM up....3...2...1...Done

compare different sort algorithms:

Sorting   30000 elements
Sort                | Complexity(BigO)     | time elasped - ms.
InsertionSort       | O(n^2)               |   190.3 ms.
SelectionSort       | O(n^2)               |   732.6 ms.
BubbleSort          | O(n^2)               |  2471.7 ms.
MergeSort           | O(nlog(n))           |     6.4 ms.
OptimizedMergeSort  | O(?)                 |     4.5 ms.
HeapSort            | O(nlog(n))           |     4.7 ms.
QuickSort           | O(n^2)-O(nlog(n))    |     4.4 ms.
RandomizedQuickSort | O(n^2)-O(nlog(n))    |     4.0 ms.

Merge Sort Demo

Merge Sort Demo

Sorting array:[221, 35, 8, 225, 59, 229, 94, 11, 138, 118, 43, 208, 161, 116]
[221, 35, 8, 225, 59, 229, 94, 11, 138, 118, 43, 208, 161, 116]
Merging : [221] <-> [35]
			[59, 229]

Merging : [59, 229] <-> [94]
				  \     / 
			 [59, 94, 229]

Merging : [8, 35, 221, 225] <-> [59, 94, 229]
						  \     / 
				 [8, 35, 59, 94, 221, 225, 229]

Merging : [11] <-> [138]
			 \     / 
			[11, 138]

Merging : [118] <-> [43]
			  \     / 
			[43, 118]

Merging : [11, 138] <-> [43, 118]
				  \     / 
			  [11, 43, 118, 138]

Merging : [208] <-> [161]
			  \     / 
			[161, 208]

Merging : [161, 208] <-> [116]
				   \     / 
			 [116, 161, 208]

Merging : [11, 43, 118, 138] <-> [116, 161, 208]
						   \     / 
				  [11, 43, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208]

Merging : [8, 35, 59, 94, 221, 225, 229] <-> [11, 43, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208]
									   \     / 
						 [8, 11, 35, 43, 59, 94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]

Time elapsed:1.8

Heap Sort Demo

[ HeapSortDemo ]

Warming JVM up....3...2...1...Done

Heap Sort Demo

Sorting array:[221, 35, 8, 225, 59, 229, 94, 11, 138, 118, 43, 208, 161, 116]
[221, 35, 8, 225, 59, 229, 94, 11, 138, 118, 43, 208, 161, 116]
Init Heap:

         /````      ````\                
        35              8               
     /      \        /      \        
    225     59      229     94      
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  138 118 43  208 161 116 

Max Heap:

         /````      ````\                
        225             221             
     /      \        /      \        
    138     118     208     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  8   161 94  

         /````      ````\                
        225             221             
     /      \        /      \        
    138     118     208     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  8   161 229*

array status:[229]
after max-heapifing:

         /````      ````\                
        138             221             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     208     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  8   161 

         /````      ````\                
        138             221             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     208     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  8   225*

array status:[225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

         /````      ````\                
        138             208             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     161     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  8   

         /````      ````\                
        138             208             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     161     116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  221*

array status:[221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

         /````      ````\                
        138             161             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     8       116     
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  43  
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     8       43      
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  59  

         /````      ````\                
        138             116             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      118     8       43      
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  161*

array status:[161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

         /````      ````\                
        118             116             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      59      8       43      
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  35  

         /````      ````\                
        118             116             
     /      \        /      \        
    94      59      8       43      
   /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
  11  138*

array status:[138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

     /      \        
    94      116     
   /  \    /  \    
  35  59  8   43  

     /      \        
    94      116     
   /  \    /  \    
  35  59  8   43  

array status:[118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

     /      \        
    94      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  35  59  8   11  

     /      \        
    94      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  35  59  8   116*

array status:[116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

     /      \        
    59      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  35  11  8   

     /      \        
    59      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  35  11  94* 

array status:[94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

     /      \        
    35      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  8   11  

     /      \        
    35      43      
   /  \    /  \    
  8   59* 

array status:[59, 94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

   /  \    
  35  11  

   /  \    
  35  11  

array status:[43, 59, 94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

   /  \    
  8   11  

   /  \    
  8   35* 

array status:[35, 43, 59, 94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:


array status:[11, 35, 43, 59, 94, 116, 118, 138, 161, 208, 221, 225, 229]
after max-heapifing:

Time elapsed:36.2

Requirement & Install





Algorithm and Problem demos (in java)






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