#PyMDr - python draugiem.lv/music player
##Setup PyMDr depends on avbin and ffmpeg (check your package manager)
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 --no-site-packages virtualenv
. virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (probably) plays music from draugiem.lv
- caches files locally (mp3, artist_id-song_name_hash.mp3)
##Bugs and TODO
- get rid of sh/ffmpeg dependencies if possible (someone knows a good .flv library?)
- if not, implement queued fetching/encoding in background
- sane interface
- error caching, input validation
- pagination
- implement configuration (cache naming convention, cache folder, use subfolders, cache playlists, use clear interval?)
- code clean up (codged in few hours)
- check if runs on windows, if possible - package via pyinstaller/py2exe/?
- ??? and obligatory profit