This gem allows you integrate the TailwindCSS Standalone CLI in your Jekyll site. The Tailwind CLI is a standalone executable that doesn't need NodeJS or any other external dependency.
This gem was originally inspired by
To add this gem to your project you must include it in your Gemfile:
- Add a gem
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-tailwind-cli'
- Add tailwind.config.js to root directory with following contents
module.exports = {
content: ["./**/*.html", "./**/*.md"],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
- Add assets/css/app.css file with following contents
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
- Modify default template to include app.css, e.g.:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/css/app.css" | relative_url }}">
The first time you build your Jekyll site, this gem will automatically download the Tailwind CLI for your platform and use it to build your CSS. The Tailwind CLI will be saved in _tailwind/tailwind-VERSION-PLATFORM
. It is recommended that you add this file to your .gitignore
and don't commit it to your repository.
It is important to note that subsequent runs will use the existing Tailwind CLI and won't download it again.
Although not strictly necessary, it is recommended to pin your desired Tailwind CLI version in _config.yml
version: 3.4.1
If you don't do this, the gem will automatically download the latest Tailwind CLI version that was available when gem was published.
By default Tailwind will read the tailwind.config.js
file that lives in your project's root (more info at the Tailwind docs).
If your configuration file lives elsewhere you can say so in the _config.yml
config_path: assets/tailwind.config.js