- Upgrade to GCC 13.1
- Upgrade to Mingw-w64 11.0.0
- Upgrade to GDB 13.1
- Upgrade to Binutils 2.40
- Upgrade to busybox-w32 FRP-4882
- Upgrade to Universal Ctags 6.0.0
Unlike all previous releases, the provided zips have not been optimized with advzip due to a bug in x64 Window zip integration (#58). This is the primary driver behind the 10% size jump since the last release. This is the first release not built on a Raspberry Pi 4. GCC 13.1 crossed a threshold where its bootstrap runs out of memory. The only reason for doing so was irony and bragging rights, but the results are indistinguishable.
Included software: GCC 13.1.0, busybox-w32 FRP-4882, GDB 13.1, Mingw-w64 11.0.0, GNU Make 4.4, Vim 9.0, Universal Ctags 6.0.0, NASM 2.15.05, binutils 2.40, Cppcheck 2.10.
Notes about builds:
: excludes C++-fortran
: includes Fortran (gfortran
: pure 32-bit, Windows XP compatible, min. req. Pentium 4