You will need the proper version of yes for your OS. (npm install -g yes)
yes yes | ./runners/
- You need to have an identity.pem and a seed.txt in your root directory. You can follow the instructions at to produce these file. You should add these files to your git.ignore.
Navigate to my .dfx identities. → ~/.config/.dfx/identity
Create a new identity. → mkdir local-testing; cd local-testing
Download quill
Test that quill is installed correctly. → quill
Look up how to generate a key. → quill generate --help
Generate a key and seed file. → quill generate --pem-file identity.pem --seed-file seed.txt
Copy these files to your root directory and add to git.ignore.
To run deployment scripts you will also need to produce and for a deploying identity.
You may need a git rest key
You can put this key in gittoken.key
It may be necessary to download the default dapps.
The ./projects folder contains a sample NFT project with NFT assets for minting along with a deploy script. The deploy script should be invoked from the root of the project. For example:
yes yes | bash ./projects/bm/
Reusable scripts are placed at the root of the ./projects folder.
This project contains video files that are stored in Git LFS. They are now downloaded when you clone the repo. To download the videos, run the following:
git lfs install
git lfs fetch
git lfs checkout
Location: ./projects/deploy.js.
Node script that stages and mints NFTs with the input of a JSON metadata file.
See also:
Logs and metrics documentation
It is important to note that every now and then there are new items in the motoko base library. One example of this is Timer. If you are using an older vesion of the motoko base library in vessel you will have an error complaining about a non existent Timer. In this repo we try to keep libs up-to-date, however, just be aware that from time to time you might need to change the upstream varible in the package-set.dhall to reflect the lastest motoko library.