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sereban edited this page Nov 28, 2015 · 12 revisions

Sample launch:

namespace Sereban\NeuronNet;

use Sereban\NeuronNet\Study\Image;

require 'bootstrap.php';

$app = new App();

$app->setNeuronCount(Factory::STIM, 2); //set here the number of neurons equal to number of initial values

$app->setNeuronCount(Factory::ASSOC, 2);

$app->setNeuronCount(Factory::REACT, 2); //set here the number of neurons equal to number of teacher values


 `Layout\Collection::INITIAL_VALUES => array(`

    `array(0.12,0.212), //This is just a dummy values`

    `array(0.225,0.63) //This is just a dummy values`

`Layout\Collection::TEACHER_VALUES => array(array(1,0), array(0,1)) //This is just a dummy values`



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