Inspired by rodinalex/elm-cron but rewritten from scratch using elm/parser and elm 0.19.1
elm install skovsboll/elm-cron
Run the examples using elm repl
import Cron exposing (fromString)
Cron.fromString " * * * * * "
-- (Ok (Cron Every Every Every Every Every))
Cron.fromString "* * */3 4 *"
-- Ok (Cron Every Every (Single (EveryStep 3)) (Single (Simple (Particle April))) Every)
import Cron exposing (Atom(..), Cron(..), Expr(..), Term(..), Month(..))
import Humanizer
Humanizer.toString (Cron Every Every (Single (EveryStep 3)) (Single (Simple (Particle April))) Every)
-- "every minute, every hour, every third day of the month, in April, all week."
import Cron exposing (fromString)
import Humanizer
import Parser
case Cron.fromString "30 10 * * 3" of
Ok cron ->
Humanizer.toString cron
Err deadEnds ->
_ = Debug.log "deadEnds" deadEnds
-- at 10:30, every day of the month, all year, on Wednesday.
Cron.fromString "1,2 * 30,31,32 * xyz"
-- [ { col = 15
-- , problem = Problem "Expected an integer from 1 through 31."
-- , row = 1
-- }
-- ]
Cron.fromString "* * * * xyz"
-- [ { col = 12
-- , problem = Problem ("Expected the name of a week day (sun, mon, tue etc...) or a number from 0 through 6.")
-- , row = 1 }
-- , { col = 9
-- , problem = ExpectingSymbol "*"
-- , row = 1 }
-- ]
See the tests
Only five segments supported. No fancy syntax supported.
TLDR; Do what you want with it, but don't hold me liable for damages.
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