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This is a mini database system. You can build a simple database and manage it by MiniSql.

Supported operations and format. ([name]--you should set a name yourself. ?--have it or don't have. /--choose one.)

create a table, format:
create table [tablename] (
[attributename] char([n])/int/float ?unique ,
[attributename] char([n])/int/float ?unique , ...
primary key([attributename]) );

insert values into a table, format:
insert into [tablename] values([value1],[value2], ...);

select values with condition, format:
select * from [tablename];
select * from [tablename] where [attributename] =/<>/</>/<=/>= [value]; select * from [tablename] where [attributename1] =/<>/</>/<=/>= [value1] and [attributename2] =/<>/</>/<=/>= [value2];

delete values withc condition, format:
delete from [tablename] where [attributename] =/<>/</>/<=/>= [value];

create index on a unique attribute, format: create index [indexname] on [tablename]([attributename]);

drop table or drop index, format:
drop table/index [name];
PS: ';' is necessary at the end of each query.

supported data type:
int, float, char(n) 1<=n<=255

multiple data base is not supported.

source code can only be bulit in Vusial Studio 2005 or higher version.


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