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42 School project. Develop a daemon which listens to a given port an interpret commands. Traffic is encrypted with AES or RSA.

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Matt_daemon is a school project, and as the name implies, it is a daemon (or service for windows enthousiasts). It listens on a given network port, accept incoming connections, and logs the input to a file.


The goal of this project was to develop a simple daemon in C++, which listens to a given port and log incoming messages into a logfile. If a signal is raised and it is catchable, it is logged too.

Verifications are made for a correct UserID, aswell as a lockfile to ensure that only one instance runs at a time.

The project contains two binaries: matt_daemon and BEN_AFK, respectively the server (or daemon) and the client, which enables the user to connect to the daemon and communicate with it, thanks to a simple prompt.

Only 3 clients can connect simultaneously, and send commands like system, with which you can execute system commands, and quit/exit, which terminates the remote daemon, every other input is logged to a file, as mentioned above.

There is a authentication system, in which you can define a password to connect to the daemon.

The big thing on this project is the implementation of OpenSSL's AES (Symetrical) and RSA (Asymetrical) encryption, thanks to the underlying libcrypto library.


The AES encryption implementation uses the EVP_aes_256_cbc cypher and a PBKDF (Password Based Key Derivation Function) which uses EVP_sha256 to derive the key from the password. A custom password and salt can be defined with the makefile at compile time.


Encryption and decryption with asymmetric keys is computationally expensive. Typically then messages are not encrypted directly with such keys but are instead encrypted using a symmetric "session" key. This key is itself then encrypted using the public key. In OpenSSL this combination is referred to as an envelope. (EVP) This project bases it's RSA encryption on OpenSSL's Certificate and PrivateKeys, which are also generated with the makefile at compile time.

Dependencies and building

This project was developped and tested on debian 10.

First, make sure that you have OpenSSL's developement header installed, as we use the underlying libcrypto:

$ sudo apt install libssl-dev

From then, you can just simply build the project with all the default values defined.

Default AES - Spoiler: this is not recommended.

This will compile the code with AES encryption, with the default PBKDF password aP4ssW0rd and salt 42069. The default authentication password will also be used: 42born2code

$ make

Custom AES

If you want to define your passwords yourself, you can! Use the following syntax:

$ make pbkd="MyOwnPBKDFPassword" salt="1337" password="PasswordsOnGithubAreBad"

This will define the AES password based key derivation password as MyOwnPBKDFPassword and the corresponding salt as 1337. The password for authentication, when connecting to the daemon will be PasswordsOnGithubAreBad.


As this implementation of RSA uses OpenSSL's x509 certificates and private keys, the default behaviour is pretty safe. You can generate them with the command:

$ make generate

This will generate a 2048 bit length Private key and a public certificate for the client and the daemon. Stored in /tmp/matt_daemon From then, to build the binaries with RSA support:

$ make use=rsa

Remember that you still can modify the authentication password!

$ make use=rsa password="MyLoginPassword



Matt_daemon's usage is pretty straight-forward, as most of it's configuration is defined a compilation. However, you can start the server in two different modes: detached so as a daemon, or attached to the current controlling terminal. Don't forget that you need to execute this program with root permissions.

$ sudo ./matt_daemon - For standart damonized use.


$ sudo ./matt_daemon -d - To force the program to stay in foreground. This can be pretty usefull if you want to obtain some more information, in case something went wrong.

However, you can always look at the logfile stored in /var/log/matt_daemon/ for further investigation.


The client only takes two arguments, no more - no less.

$ ./BEN_AFK <destination-ip> <port>

Entering fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) will not work.

And now ?

Once you connected to the remote daemon, you should see something like this:


If we look at the logfile, we can see some details about the daemon status:


When entering some text in the client's prompt, it will be logged by the daemon:


Remember the system command ?


About the encryption

The encryption is essentially handled by 3 Classes, located in the src/common/ directory:

  • Cryptograph.cpp - That's where the heavy lifting happens: encryption and decryption of data, AES and RSA. This class will only compile the neccesary functions thanks to preprocessor directives.
  • CryptoWrapper.cpp - A wrapper which contains the routines for exchanging RSA public certificates, aswell as sending and receiving data over the network socket.
  • KeyLoader.cpp - This class will read the x509 certificates and private keys, extract the relevant data and return the corresponding EVP_PKEY data structures.


The AES encryption/decryption process is implemented as follows:

  • Allocation of the _AESEncrypt and _AESDecrypt contextes.
  • Initialization of the EVP_aes_256_cbc cipher.
  • Derivation of the actual AESKey using the PBKD_PASSWORD and PBKD_SALT with the EVP_sha256 cipher.
  • For encryption:
    • Initialise the _AESEncryptContext using the EVP_EncryptInit_ex function and the EVP_aes_256_cbc cipher, aswell as the previously derived AESKey and the associated AESIV.
    • The actual data encryption is done with the EVP_EncryptUpdate function.
    • If padding is enabled (the default) then EVP_EncryptFinal_ex encrypts the "final" data, that is any data that remains in a partial encryption block.
    • The encrypted data is then returned, and can be sent over the network socket.
  • For decryption, it's practically the same thing. Note that it is a symetrical encryption, so if the server and the client are given the same password and salt for deriving AESKey and AESIV, no key exchange is happening:
    • Initialise the AESDecryptContext using the EVP_DecryptInit_ex function and the EVP_aes_256_cbc cipher, aswell as the previously derived AESKey and the associated AESIV.
    • The actual data decryption is done with the EVP_DecryptUpdate function.
    • If padding is enabled (the default) then EVP_DecryptFinal_ex decrypts the "final" data, that is any data that remains in a partial encryption block.


If you are unfamiliar with asymetric encryption, you can refresh your memory here:

Again, this implementation is not encrypting the entire data with the remote public key, but are instead encrypted using a symmetric session key. This key is itself then encrypted using the public key. In OpenSSL this combination is referred to as an envelope. (EVP)

For RSA, the implementation is as follows:

  • The makefile generates a keypair for both the client, and the server. We will call the public key the certificate, and the private key, stays the private key.
  • At startup, each binary loads up their respective private key and certificate. If they is no key, or it is badly formatted, the binaries will not start, and output an error message.
  • The _rsaEncryptContext and _rsaDecryptContext are allocated and initialized.
  • Upon connection, the RSA key exchange process will begin, where the client and the server exchange their certificates, to later encrypt their data with those remote certificates.
  • For encryption:
    • We generate the sessionkey with the EVP_SealInit function, which will be encrypted using the remote certificate, the data will be encrypted with the EVP_aes_256_cbc cipher.
    • The sessionkey length, the encrypted sessionkey and it's associated IV's form the message header.
    • The actual data is then encryped with the EVP_SealUpdate function and it's _rsaEncryptContext.
    • The final EVP_SealFinal function then encrypts the "final" data, that is any data that remains in a partial encryption block.
    • The entire mesage header + encrypted data is then returned, and can be sent over the network socket.
  • For decryption:
    • We extract the sessionkey length, sessionkey, and IV's from the message header.
    • The _rsaDecryptContext is updated with the extracted data from the message header and the local Private Key
    • The data following the message header is then decrypted with the EVP_OpenUpdate function.
    • Any leftover (padded) data is then decrypted with the EVP_OpenFinal function.
    • We now have the entire decrypted message and can return it for later use.


42 School project. Develop a daemon which listens to a given port an interpret commands. Traffic is encrypted with AES or RSA.



