This is a vagrant box that I use for my local developpements to provide a clean MySQL database.
This box requieres vagrant 1.6+ and virtualbox to be installed on the host machine.
After cloning the project, you will need to start the vagrant box.
vagrant up
There is still a little bug to fix (see below) in the provisionning configuration, so once the machine is running you may need to re-provision it.
vagrant provison
Once the machine is ready, the local MySQL default port (3306) on host machine will be forwarded to the 3306 port on guest machine.
You will now be able to access the database with this credentials :
- Host : localhost
- database : test
- User : test
- Password : azerty
This can be changed in the puppet/manifests/init.pp file
mysql::db { 'test':
user => 'test',
password => 'azerty',
host => '%',
grant => ['ALL'],
You will need to restart the guest machine for the changes to be applied
vagrant reload --provision
If you already use the 3306 port for a local MySQL, you can change it by modifying the Vagrantfile file. Let's say you want to set it to 3307. :forwarded_port, host: 3307, guest: 3306
You will need to restart the guest machine for the changes to be applied
vagrant reload
- There can be sometime an execution order problem in provisioning configuration, and mysql might execute before apt-get is ready. This requires to re-provision after starting the VM for the first time.
- Set the MySQL config in the Vagrantfile