Create Maze with TMX format
Usage: maze2tmx [option] maze.tmx Options: -w, --width : Optional,if not set the width is 20 tiles
-h, --height : Optional,if not set the heigth is 20 tiles
-s, --tilesize : Optional,if not set the tile is 32 pixel square
-n, --tilesetname : Optional,if not set the tile name is wall.png
-x, --tilesetwidth: Optional, if not set the width of tile set image is 256px
-y, --tilesetheight: Optional, if not set the height of tile set image is 64px
-v, --verbose : Optional,letting you see just what the program is doing.
-h, --help : This Help
maze.tmx is the output name, defaults to maze.tmx
for example for 64 pixel tileset
maze2tmx -s 64 -n wall64.png -q 512 -v 128