Cookiecutter template for a SaltStack Formula.
This is an opinionated template with a solid focus on best practices described in
Generate a SaltStack formula project:
Answer few questions about formula name, your name etc.
Then init a repo from the created directory and put it somewhere (e.g on GitHub or Bitbucket).
See for more documentation about Cookiecutter usage.
If you have differences in your preferred setup, I encourage you to fork this to create your own version. Or create your own; it doesn't strictly have to be a fork.
It's up to you whether or not to rename your fork/own version. Do whatever you think sounds good.
I also accept pull requests on this, if they're small, atomic, and if they make my own developing experience better.
An example of a formula created from this template can be found
(i.e. when asked about a formula name I typed example