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Terraform module - AWS basic network

A terraform module that deploys a VPC and two types of subnets.


It is the user's responsibility to calculate the CIDRs for the VPC and subnets so that they are sensible.

The subnet types are designated public and private.

  • The "public" subnets allow for resources in it to be reachable from the internet.
  • The "private" subnets do not allow incoming connections from the internet, but still allow outbound connections from the resources in it.


  • The input variables that define the subnets to be created - public_subnet_cidrs and private_subnet_cidrs are actually maps and not lists of CIDRs as one might expect. The keys of the map define the CIDRs of the subnets while the values define the availability zone in which the subnet will be created. These values are of type number and they are used as an index to select an availability zone form the list of zones for the current AWS region.

  • To allow connectivity for the private subnets an aws_nat_gateway is created in the first public subnet in the list. Therefore the public subnet list can never be with 0 elements. If the private subnets list is empty the aws_nat_gateway and its associated resources will not be crated as well.


Name Description Type Default Required
common_tags A mapping of tags to be applied to the created resources. map(string) n/a yes
name_prefix n/a string "" no
private_subnet_cidrs List of objects reprisenting the private subnets CIDRs and their availability zones. The az_index property is used as an index to retireve a zone from the list of the availability zones for the current AWS region. list(object({ cidr = string az_index = number })) [] no
private_subnet_tags A mapping of tags to be applied to the private subnets. map(string) {} no
public_subnet_cidrs List of objects reprisenting the public subnets CIDRs and their availability zones. The az_index property is used as an index to retireve a zone from the list of the availability zones for the current AWS region. list(object({ cidr = string az_index = number })) n/a yes
public_subnet_tags A mapping of tags to be applied to the public subnets. map(string) {} no
vpc_cidr_block CIDR block to assign to the VPC string n/a yes


Name Description
main_route_table_id The id of the VPC default routing table. It is not used by any subnets.
nat_gateway_public_ip The public IP of the NAT gateway.
private_route_table_id The id of the privagte routing table. Used by the private subnets.
private_subnet_ids Ids of the private subents.
private_subnets A mapping of input private subnet CIDR and created subnet.
public_route_table_id The id of the public subnets route table.
public_subnet_ids Ids of the 'public' subents.
public_subnets A mapping of input public subnet CIDR and created subnet.
vpc_id The id of the VPC which was created.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12.26
aws >= 3.0


Name Type
aws_eip.nat_gw resource resource resource
aws_route.default_private resource
aws_route.default_public resource
aws_route_table.private resource
aws_route_table.public resource
aws_route_table_association.private resource
aws_route_table_association.public resource
aws_subnet.private resource
aws_subnet.public resource
aws_vpc.main resource
aws_availability_zones.azs data source


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