This package is based on functions from the 'BAStag' package created by Simon Wotherspoon and Michael Sumner and Simeon Lisovski ( 'TwGeos' is a slightly simplified package with some additional functionalities like an outomatic search for outliers and a function to adjust twilight times based on some thresholds (see documentation).
In general, this package accomodations functions to process data from light-level geolocator archival tags. More specifically, the package provides facilities for importing and plotting light-level geolocator data, and detecting and extracting twilight times and twilight periods for further analysis with e.g. 'GeoLight', 'SGAT' and 'FLightR'.
The package is easily installed from GitHub, using the devtools package.
If you don't have devtools
installed already, install it first.
(TwGeos otherwise does not need devtools for normal use.)