A tracing example to show how it works Kubernetes and Opentracing
This example shows how the tracing acts in different endpoints and can be traced on each of the services using proxies.
- skipper (with opentracing plugin) for sidecard proxyies
- jaeger for tracing
- tracing-example app as the different services
Is a simple Go app made to create long and with huge call to other services that will be generated randomly.
Disclaimer: Is an example app to test tracing (no tests, not the best structure, developed very fast...)
The app has different endpoints:
: Very fast rsponding endpoint./operation/slow-end
: Slow responding endpoint./operation/single-call
: Makes a call to another random service in a random endpoint before returning./operation/multiple-calls
: Makes multiple (random number) of calls to another random services in a random endpoints before returning.
With these different endpoints and multiple apps of this app running and connected we can create very long traces to check how everything is propagated and how the requests enter on the services through the sidecar proxies (skipper).
This will run 3 services (service-a
, service-b
, service-c
) and infront of each service a sidecar proxy (trying to imitate Kubernetes on localhost for development) and the a jaeger stack in one single container (using memory as the store).
The example can be run on localhost using docker compose:
make dev
After this you can make a simple request to any of the different service endpoints:
- http://localhost:9090/operation/multiple-calls
- http://localhost:9091/operation/multiple-calls
- http://localhost:9092/operation/multiple-calls
And check the traces on Jaeger interface: http://localhost:16686
You can also have fun using vegeta :)
echo -e "GET http://localhost:9090/operation/single-call\nGET http://localhost:9091/operation/single-call\nGET http://localhost:9092/operation/single-call" | vegeta attack -duration=30s | tee results.bin | vegeta report
There is a deployment chart with all the example on chart directory(the deployed Jaeger is in development mode, not a production ready one).