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S.Lott edited this page Jun 20, 2022 · 5 revisions

The Py-Web-Tool follows the idea of Knuth's Web tool to combine source and publication-ready markup. There's a Tangle and a Weave mode.

The idea of "any markup language" is implemented through a series of subclasses that handle some common aspects of the markup. This needs to be refined a bit so that the few pieces of markup "macro" definitions are outside the code. See Directions and Updates for an overview of changes required.

The Jinja Template for Weaving page describes an approach to weaving which eliminates all markup from the application, pushing it into configurable Jinja macro definitions.

The Replacing Markup specific Weaving with Pandoc page is an vision of weaving that builds a markup-independent AST. This would be in a serialized form that Pandoc could the emit without the complexity of parsing RST or some other intermediate markup.

The "pyweb" name is possibly confusing with and similar projects. Perhaps, this should change.

  • pylpweb could be the module name.
  • pylpweb-tool could be the new repository name.