Tournament Generation of paired matches In order to create a tournament we need to know the players that will be involved.
"Name": "Tournament 1",
"Players": [
"A", "B", "C", "D"
Once created the tournament setup file, run EloSwissCli with the file as --setup value The tournament rounds, with paired matches will be generated and output at a location specified with --output path.
Upon completion of head-to-head matches the results can be entered along with the generated tournament to build standings/rankings for players. This is handy after each round. There is the option to build matches after each round to take into account results from previous rounds. The idea is like-ranked players will face each-other in subsequent rounds.
Match results are entered in the following format:
#A plays #B, #B wins
#C plays #D, #C wins
#C plays #B, #B wins
#A plays #D, #D wins
Home Advantage
Home advantage can be factored into the score ranking algorithm. By convention the first of the two team/players is considered to be at home e.g. #A plays #B, #B wins; A has home advantage.
Playoff matching can be run at the end of round-robin play. Based upon player rankings, matches for playoffs e.g. 1vs8, 2vs7, 3vs6, 4vs5
Run the app by entering the following command in the command shell:
dotnet run
Install the following:
Copy exe from /dist/EloSwissCli.exe
Run EloSwissCli.exe:
- select the tournament setup with players to run.
- include the folder to output the tournament scheme including Paired matches
xUnit testing
dotnet test EloSwiss.Test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
dotnet publish
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- Scott Mackenzie - Initial work - Smacktech
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.